How To Follow Your Intuition in Business


Every day I see something on Facebook or in a magazine about rest and relaxation, how we have to let ourselves let go and meditate or receive self-care.  I fully agree with this sentiment and honor it in my own life.  But there’s something tricky about doing it – when you really let go and rest – all your deep-down worries come up.

No one really talks about this part.  The fact that for most of us – the real reason we aren’t resting is because being busy helps us to escape

Escape the decisions that we haven’t made.  Escape the intuitive hits we’ve been getting about how we have to let something or someone go.  

As much as I love my intuition, it’s just not always easy to follow it.

What do you do when you get the intuitive hit that a relationship isn’t working anymore?  Or that you’ve outgrown your job?  Change isn’t easy.  Often it’s not an overnight process to unravel something in your life that is no longer working.

I’ve come to realize that although my intuition is talking to me every day, it’s not always easy to follow what it says.  As an entrepreneur – it’s one of my most powerful gifts.   It’s through the voices of intuition that my next book is being created.  And every content piece within it flows from a connected place.   It’s my intuition that lets me know when a client needs extra support, and that I should pick up the phone and call her.  Or when someone in my family really needs a call or a visit. 

And yes, there’s a place where sometimes I’m scared to listen.  I’m scared of the changes that my intuition will tell me to make. 

I’ve also learned that I would rather have my intuitive channel open and receive intuitive hits than make myself so “busy” that I can’t really hear anything. 

So here’s my process for making all of it possible. 

  1. Make time to get quiet by getting a massage, meditating, working out or writing.
  1. Allow both the big and small intuitive hits to come pouring in – but also be pleased if nothing comes – that’s fine too.
  1. Understand that you can choose NOT to act on your intuitive nudges. You can ask for more information.  You can ask for more courage.  You can ponder the decision.   On some level you know that action will need to happen, but just giving yourself the space to dance with the information makes the process feel safer

The key is to build a relationship with your intuition.  And to use that relationship to guide you to more and more success in your business. 

Photo: flickr, gimmeocean



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