"Instant, Easy, and Overnight?: The Truth Behind What It Really Takes to Make Good Money in Your Business"

Complimentary Business Training Call:
Saturday, March 31st – 1:00 PM ET

Working harder than “everyone else”… and you STILL can’t get results?!
Feeling guilty that you can’t just “manifest” the easy profits that people talk about in their emails and videos?
Is building a business harder than you thought?
Are you getting caught up in buying programs and classes, hoping to find the one “magic pill” that rains new clients down on your business (without a lot of w-o-r-k)?

Most of all… you’re second-guessing yourself: what are you doing wrong here?!

If this sounds familiar, please keep reading. The truth is, it’s not you. There’s a big ole myth out there that “entrepreneurship”--especially in the personal growth industry—is easy. When the reality is…

It’s anything BUT easy.

Which means there are plenty of you out there—smart, sharp, ready to do what it takes for your business to take off and make great money doing what you love—who are putting in the hours. Executing your marketing. And facing your fears.

But something STILL isn’t working. And you start feeling like YOU’RE doing something wrong. You’re not. You just need to tweak a few things.

Starting with the idea that building a business is fast, easy, and instantly successful.

Because the truth is, building your business empire isn’t easy. But it doesn’t have to be this hard, either. And it definitely doesn’t need be a soul-wrenching struggle. There is a simple, graceful path. And once you’re on it, your work leads to the results that you ache for. It’s just one step at a time.

And if that sounds reasonable to you, I invite you to join me for this brass-tacks, tell-it-like-it-is training class… where I’ll tell you the truth about what it takes to make and keep more money in your business – so you can stop feeling guilty and move forward in the right direction.

OK, Monica. I’m tired of the empty promises of ease and instant grandeur. Just give it to me straight. I want to know what I need to do to make real money in my business. Just tell me what that is, and I’m ready to do it.


Details will be delivered to the e-mail address you provide above. We will not sell, rent or share your email address, period.


I’ve watched my clients go from zero to six figures… and then onwards to multiple six-figures. And here’s THEIR recipe for what they have achieved: they take action, they follow a plan and they face their fears every single day.

The beauty of it is: with the right steps and support, they don’t struggle. The path is not an easy one… but they’ll be the first to tell you it’s a simple, satisfying and rewarding.


In this class you will discover:

The three phases of building your business and the essential activities to focus on in each phase (this is the bird’s eye view that you’ve been looking for)
The truth about how much you should be working to “make a go” of your business—and how to make that work simpler, more effective, and less grueling (from people who have already achieved what you intend to!)
Three key mindset shifts you must adopt to continue to make great money in your business (and reduce your work hours).
The one skill you MUST learn to create a lucrative business and how to continue to sharpen this skill for the rest of your career.
The activities that you need to be doing regularly to keep growing yourself, your business and your bank account.

I’m ready to stop feeling guilty and drop the search for that one golden tool. I’m ready to step into making real money in my business and doing what is necessary to get there.

Saturday, March 31st, 1:00pm EST

Details will be delivered to the e-mail address you provide above. We will not sell, rent or share your email address, period.

Look, I’m known for my straight talk, no-nonsense business teachings. I’m also known for helping my clients get real results in their businesses and make quantum leaps in their mindset.

Come join me on this truth-telling chat where I’ll pull back the curtain and let you know what it really takes to build your business.

Isn’t it time for the truth?
Isn’t it time for you to create the income you desire?
Isn’t it time that you had a chance to create your legacy for yourself, your family, your world?

Join me. Let’s do it together.

Yes, let’s do this. Register now.

With much appreciation,


P.S. Let’s be clear: I’m not saying it’s going to be a long, hard slog to build a profitable, thriving business. But I’m fed up with the expectation that you can just build—poof!—a business overnight, and watch the revenue roll in like magic. That’s why it’s time that I talk about what I actually see out there, more often than not. So you can find out what YOU need to do to move ahead—and start doing it. Can’t wait to “see” you on the call!

I've been working with Monica for less than 2 months and the results that we've achieved in that time has been nothing short of AMAZING! I was able to quickly focus in on the high-leverage actions to take, and launched a program [www.FierceFabulousFree.com] that helped me generate my first $50,000 month ever! I am so excited and so grateful and can't wait to see what the next year will bring. Monica has been an incredible, supportive Business Coach. I feel so blessed to have her in my corner!

~ Nisha Moodley


In October 2009, I was only starting to think about maybe starting my own business. By the end of January 2010, I had six clients! I am developing an important niche helping people manage their office move that I had not even considered. I could not have done this as seamlessly and successfully without Monica and the Revenue Breakthrough Program.

~ Vicky A. Stein, Principal
Squared Away Management


An unexpected result has been that any residue of doubt about the value I offer (and charging what I am worth) has completely disappeared. That wasn't a goal I brought to the table with Monica, but my boost in clarity, confidence and enthusiasm is an amazing by-product of our work together.

~ Liyana Silver
Relationship Specialist and Author

In the four months that I've been in the program, I've filled my copywriting business, and have clients calling me for work. I make more in a month now than I did in my last job. But more than that, I am filled with the satisfaction of waking up to a new adventure everyday, and that my life is - finally- what I make of it. There is no greater motivation out there!

~ Stephanie Saline
Stella Orange, Wordsmith

Specifically my income last year averaged about $1500/month and I've more than doubled that this year and am on the way up! I have a new coaching program beginning in February with six people already enrolled. I am in the process of enrolling new private coaching clients, updating my web site, promoting a new wellness coaching group to begin in February, booking speaking engagements and offering consistent consultations to new potential clients.

~ Becca Pronchick, CPCC
Mindset Mastery Coach

I now have clients, a steady and growing income from my business, and MOMENTUM! She greatly boosted my confidence level, both that I can really help my clients and actually make a living doing it.

~ Regina Hudson de Corona
Train4Rain Coaching/Consulting, Birmingham, Alabama


©2012 Monica Shah and RevenueBreakthrough.com™, All rights reserved.