Bust Through YOUR MONEY BLOCKS to Fund A Life You Love
May 18 - 20, 2022 | A Virtual Event
Build the Business that Pays for
a Life You Love
Is This You?
“Working on your business” feels more like “running in circles.”
You think, “Maybe I’m not good enough.”
You’ve been to other events & worked with other coaches
Up and down, up and down.
Shiny Object Syndrome has you in its clutches.
You’ve left your job for this dream of owning a business
It doesn’t have to be hard, confusing, or take a long time.
There’s a way to have a plan + clarity….
…so that you wake up excited & knowing
what you need to do…
…to CONSISTENTLY get the results you want.
Business feels a lot easier
when you know how to put the pieces together.

You just can’t seem to put the pieces together to make the money you want + have the time you desire.
Until you get the order + frequency with which you need to do things, the pieces won’t come together.
(And you’ll be working way harder than you have to… without making the money you COULD make.)
That’s the promise of the Master Your Money Event.
You can see the WHOLE PICTURE.
Your business goes from being a puzzle to a clear plan of action that allows you to put REAL MONEY in the bank.
So you can make money today, tomorrow, and all year long.
Ready for me to show you how?
Join me at a special VIRTUAL event…

ONLY $495
Let me make one thing clear…
This event isn’t business as usual.
It’s an experience – one that has you moving around to learn
with your body and your mind. One where you are learning
a system that you can use immediately.
It’s an experiential business & money training
with 2 intentions:

This powerful 3-day training will take you on a
one-of-a-kind journey.

Here’s just a small peek at what you’ll get at
Master Your Money…
Day 1 — Overcome Your Money Obstacles
Let go of what’s holding you back.

Day 2 — Create Consistently High Income
Stop the confusion. Step into action.

Day 3 — Grow + Scale Your Business
Make your success sustainable in the long term + have time for you.

ONLY $495
If you’re NOT into learning strategies that actually WORK,
don’t come.
There are plenty of events that leave you feeling good, but don’t challenge you to take real action in your business. This isn’t one of them.
This event will NOT include…
I remember quite vividly how painful it was
to struggle in the beginning of my business.
I had big dreams. I had an MBA from Kellogg School of Management. I had experience at L’Oreal Paris. And I grew up in an entrepreneurial household.
I thought I was hot stuff.
I thought I was going to rock this entrepreneur thing.

Within 1 year, I racked up $25,000 in debt, investing in trainings & programs, and trying to launch my own products & programs (most of which flopped).
I had to rent out my New York apartment just to have enough money to pay my bills each month. I basically ran my business from my friends’ couches.
I finally realized that I had zero method to my madness.
I was just trying one random thing after another – and no one was able to tell me what ORDER to do them in.
So I spent the next year figuring it out…
- I paid close attention to my numbers.
- I tracked what worked, and what didn’t.
- I identified which activities would make money the fastest.
- I figured out which activities were a waste of time.
- And I turned my business (and my life) around.
By the end of that year, I had 22 clients, 2 group programs, $12,000 in savings, and ZERO dollars in debt.
Every year since then, I’ve doubled my revenue.

(Many of my clients have doubled and tripled their revenue within 1 year of working with me.)
So my main focus each time I host an event is to give you as much material as I can during the time we have together.
Here’s what you can expect at Master Your Money…
What would your life look like if you didn’t have to worry about money?
What is a money worry?
- It’s that low-grade chronic money concern that just won’t go away
- It’s that feeling of never having enough (even when you know you do)
- It’s that sense of being out of control
No matter how successful you’ve been in business, chances are you’ve experienced this at some point. (Sometimes hourly.)
What I’ve discovered is that 100% of money worries stem from having a dysfunctional (or no) relationship with money.
Your money relationship began when you were little and stemmed from things you heard your mom or dad say about money, or what you saw.
And what you saw, heard or experienced led you to have certain money fears.
When you ignore these fears, it’s impossible to do what you should in your business.
- looking at how much money you made last week, and how much money is going out
- making sales calls
- talking about money ON those sales calls
- making decisions about what you should invest in
But there is an easier way.
It’s about shifting your relationship with money.
And when you do…
It makes EVERY activity that you do in your business easier.
That’s why I believe every entrepreneur needs to come to Master Your Money.
Because no matter how successful you are, no matter where you are – you know that you could have more, do more and be more.
And the key to accessing it is to look at your money.
That’s what Master Your Money is all about.
(Dates, Friends, and More)
Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Speakers, Service Providers (we believe that EVERY business owner needs to master their money!)
- This is a virtual event.
- We will meet on Zoom for our 3 days together. (Don't worry – I'm really good at keeping virtual events fun and painless!)
- You will receive your Zoom link once you register.
- Wednesday, May 18 | 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET
- Thursday, May 19 | 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET
- Friday, May 20 | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM ET
We love friends! Once you register yourself for the event, you’ll be given a special link to share with a friend you’d like to invite to join you – for FREE. Why? Because we know how much easier it is for YOU when you have someone in your personal circle to share this event with. (There’s nothing harder than leaving an amazing event, and feeling like NO ONE understands what you just experienced.)
ONLY $495
Is this worth my time?
We’re not taught about money, marketing and sales and how they fit together in any other place. Not in high school. Not in college. Not in your typical 9-5 job. Not even in business school (I should know – I have an MBA).
So if you don’t take the time to come here and learn this, you’re going to be wasting time trying to learn in your business the hard way.
I can’t tell you how many business owners tell me, “I wish I had learned this stuff sooner.” (Even the ones who thought they knew what they were doing.)
What if I’m a beginner?
The biggest mistake people make in the first year of business is spending money on things they don’t need or that it’s wrong time for them to attempt… and NOT spending money on things that can actually propel them forward.
At Master Your Money, you’ll be attending with entrepreneurs of ALL levels – from just starting to DREAM about having a business… to multi-6 and 7 figure CEOs.
What if I’ve been in business for a while?
It doesn’t matter how much money you’ve made, you can always make more.
The thing that prevents you from making more is your beliefs around money that you don’t even know you have.
(I’ve worked with 7-figure business owners who then got to multiple-7 figures because we unblocked beliefs they had around money that were keeping them from moving forward.)
The other thing that slows your growth is not understanding how to look at your business as a CEO and know what numbers to look at & what metrics to be evaluating.
I help my clients run businesses that allow them to…
They love every inch of their lives… because they know they can come up with a way to create anything they want (and have the money to pay for it).
If you’re ready to challenge yourself and finally learn the HOW TO side of growing a business, then I’d love for you to join us.
Will I see you there?
ONLY $495
With much appreciation,