To create a million dollar business,
Monica Shah had to shift the way she thought about money.

- She didn’t look at how much she was making each month.
- She wasn’t quite sure how much she was spending, either.
- She avoided doing the math to see how much she needed to generate.
- And she shied away from having awkward conversations about money with clients.
Like so many women, she thought that focusing on money would lead her away from serving clients and being a great coach.
Avoiding money only got her further into debt ($25,000’s worth).
It wasn’t until she reshaped her relationship with money (and understood the clear steps to making it) that she was able to turn her business – and her life – turn around.
Within 12 months of figuring it out, she paid off all $25K of her debt and put $12K in savings. Every year since then, Monica has doubled or tripled her revenue.
Today she runs Revenue Breakthrough – a training company that shows women how to double their income in 12-18 months.
That training starts at Master Your Money – the premier money and business event of the year, where business owners come together to talk about one of the most taboo and triggering topics of all: money.
It’s at this event that Monica shares her entire Master Your Money system – all the steps to making money – from changing your mindset, to creating a marketing campaign, to selling and scaling your company.
Because what Monica learned on her way to build a 7-figure business was an unexpected truth:
The more you take care of your money, the more you take care of yourself… and the better you can serve + care for your clients (and ultimately, your corner of the world).

She deeply believes that women are the rising leaders and philanthropists of the 21st century… but that we can’t fully lead or give all that we have to offer if we keep giving money away and avoiding it.
The time is now. We are, as speaker and author Gloria Steinem has said, the ones we’ve been waiting for.
So now, Monica has a message for all women entrepreneurs:

The ONLY way to get out of any debt you may have and put yourself on the road to financial freedom is to learn how to master your money as an entrepreneur.
Whether it’s spending more time with your kids, taking off to travel the world, or just making more money than you’d ever thought possible.
ONLY $495