
To create a million dollar business,
Monica Shah had to stop waiting for her big break.

Like so many women, she thought her intelligence and hard work would naturally lead to more clients, more money, and an amazing life.

Turns out, she was wrong about that.  Because big dreams are great – but they’re just dreams.

After digging herself into $25,000 in debt, Monica realized she had been investing in herself like mentors told her, but what she was missing was a plan – a big picture understanding of how all the different pieces in her business fit together.

Once she realized this, she made her first plan for her own revenue breakthrough. She went on to pay off her debt within 12 months, and has doubled or tripled her income every year since.

Today she runs Revenue Breakthrough – a 7-figure training company that shows women how to double their income in 12-18 months.

At the core of this work is the certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan.

Beginning with the end in mind, Monica shows business owners how to design a business around what matters most to them – whether that’s family, travel, the finer things in life, health and taking better care of yourself, or more time.

From there, it’s about mapping the actions you will do every day, week, and quarter to work towards your vision for your most amazing life. . . and finally breaking free of the behaviors and attitudes that have held you back in the past.

Monica holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management. She’s a former brand manager from L’Oreal Paris and entrepreneurship professor from NYC.
She’s based in Brooklyn, New York.

But perhaps the aspect that Monica is most proud of is that she manages to run her 7-Figure business and still fills her life with great restaurants, monthly trips to visit her Dad in Cincinnati and quality time with her partner Jaideep.

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