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When I had my first $10K month, I was beyond thrilled. My business has increased an amazing 95%. Monica's method really does work if you follow it!

Strategize Your Next 12 Months for 4-Hour Workdays & Multiple 6 Figures in Revenue

When I had my first $10K month, I was beyond thrilled. My business has increased an amazing 95%. Monica's method really does work if you follow it!

– Trish Perry, Leadership Coach

Female Coaches, Consultants, Health-Care Providers and Other Client-Based Businesses:

The specific programs + offerings that need to be part of your business if you want to stop being tied to your calendar, and exactly how to structure them no matter where you are in your business now.

My specific process for managing my time + calendar so I can work in a way that honors my body and rest my brain. I’ll  be revealing the behind-the scenes on how this process has generated over one million dollars for me every single year.

My 3-step formula for finding the right team members at the right price. I’ll detail specifics for those of you just starting, all the way through those of you generating $8-10K+ a month and ready to hire even more team. (I’ll even be sharing the single question that I ask every potential new team member - and that acts like a weed whacker for your team.)

My monthly income has surpassed my former annual income. I have more freedom, more money, and my ideal clients are flowing in – all with more ease and joy.

– Bambi Thompson, Brain Coach


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The single crucial key to growing your coaching, consulting, or other client-based business so it's NOT totally dependent on you + makes amazing money (think: finally taking a real vacation or doing that "someday" hobby).

I've run a 7-figure company for 10 years, and each year, I've taken around 6 weeks of vacation, plus multiple trips to see friends and family, and I've prioritized Date Nights with my husband. 

All of this has been made possible through doing workshop-style events. 

If you had asked me 10 years ago whether I would be hosting 15 workshop-style events a year, I would have said, “No way, that sounds terrifying.” 

A note from Monica...

I've run a 7-figure company for 10 years, and each year, I've taken around 6 weeks of vacation, plus multiple trips to see friends and family, and I've prioritized Date Nights with my husband. 

All of this has been made possible through doing workshop-style events. 

If you had asked me 10 years ago whether I would be hosting 15 workshop-style events a year, I would have said, “No way, that sounds terrifying.” 

But today, there’s nothing more enjoyable for me than deeply connecting with people in person and virtually through our events. 

These workshops allow me to end every day knowing that I’m truly making meaningful change in my clients' lives – a source of total joy (and profit, too!). 

In this class, I'm going to show you how to do the same, so that you can attract more clients + have more freedom all while deeply connecting with people you ADORE. 

Put your information below to reserve your seat for this FREE Masterclass...


Choose which day works best for you!

Much love,

Plus, get instant access to "10 Easy Ways to Get in Front of Your Ideal Clients Immediately"


+ Get Immediate Access to The Make-It-Happen Checklist:
10 Keys to Make this Year Your Most Lucrative and Fulfilling Year Ever


But today, there’s nothing more enjoyable for me than deeply connecting with people in person and virtually through our events. 

These workshops allow me to end every day knowing that I’m truly making meaningful change in my clients' lives – a source of total joy (and profit, too!). 

In this class, I'm going to show you how to do the same, so that you can attract more clients + have more freedom all while deeply connecting with people you ADORE. 

Strategize Your Next 12 Months for 4-Hour Workdays & Multiple 6 Figures in Revenue
Female Coaches, Consultants, Health-Care Providers and Other Client-Based Businesses: 

Choose the day and time that works best for you.

with 7-figure Business Coach Monica Shah

Due to my chronic health issues + need to spend time with family I've HAD to figure out a  formula for truly MAKING MORE while WORKING LESS (I’ve generated over a million dollars a year since 2013).

I know many of you are in a similar position of being short on time or energy (due to a full-time job, family stuff, or just a desire for more freedom).

So I’m sharing the truth on the strategies I've used to make 4-hour workdays + multiple 6-figures in revenue do-able: