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When I had my first $10K month, I was beyond thrilled. My business has increased an amazing 95%. Monica's method really does work if you follow it!

How to Fill Your Calendar with Ideal Clients by Hosting Mini-Workshops

When I had my first $10K month, I was beyond thrilled. My business has increased an amazing 95%. Monica's method really does work if you follow it!

– Trish Perry, Leadership Coach

Spend 90 minutes with 7-figure business coach Monica Shah, and walk out with a highly converting workshop that you’re excited to deliver. 

The 3 keys to structure your content at the Mini-Workshop so you can generate between $3,000 - $10,000+ from each event.

How to pick a topic that gets people so excited, they'll be emailing and DMing you, asking how they can register.

The 3 types of Mini-Workshops that are simple to fill and inspire attendees so much that they think, "I just have to work with her!"

I'm already scheduling with so many people about privates, my group program, and events. I exceeded my revenue goal for the quarter by $6K (and the quarter isn't over yet)!

– Kimberly Harrison, Holistic Vocal empowerment Coach


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Plus, get instant access to "10 Easy Ways to Get in Front of Your Ideal Clients Immediately"

The exact formula for filling your Mini-Workshop – even if you have a small following. 

The #1 reason most people fail to get clients from their workshops (even if they're great speakers)... and how to make sure you don't fall into the same trap.

I've run a 7-figure company for 10 years, and each year, I've taken around 6 weeks of vacation, plus multiple trips to see friends and family, and I've prioritized Date Nights with my husband. 

All of this has been made possible through doing workshop-style events. 

If you had asked me 10 years ago whether I would be hosting 15 workshop-style events a year, I would have said, “No way, that sounds terrifying.” 

A note from Monica...

I've run a 7-figure company for 10 years, and each year, I've taken around 6 weeks of vacation, plus multiple trips to see friends and family, and I've prioritized Date Nights with my husband. 

All of this has been made possible through doing workshop-style events. 

If you had asked me 10 years ago whether I would be hosting 15 workshop-style events a year, I would have said, “No way, that sounds terrifying.” 

But today, there’s nothing more enjoyable for me than deeply connecting with people in person and virtually through our events. 

These workshops allow me to end every day knowing that I’m truly making meaningful change in my clients' lives – a source of total joy (and profit, too!). 

In this class, I'm going to show you how to do the same, so that you can attract more clients + have more freedom all while deeply connecting with people you ADORE. 

Put your information below to reserve your seat...


Plus, get instant access to "10 Easy Ways to Get in Front of Your Ideal Clients Immediately".

Choose which day works best for you!

Much love,

Plus, get instant access to "10 Easy Ways to Get in Front of Your Ideal Clients Immediately"


+ Get Immediate Access to The Make-It-Happen Checklist:
10 Keys to Make this Year Your Most Lucrative and Fulfilling Year Ever


But today, there’s nothing more enjoyable for me than deeply connecting with people in person and virtually through our events. 

These workshops allow me to end every day knowing that I’m truly making meaningful change in my clients' lives – a source of total joy (and profit, too!). 

In this class, I'm going to show you how to do the same, so that you can attract more clients + have more freedom all while deeply connecting with people you ADORE. 

How to Fill Your Calendar with Ideal Clients by Hosting Mini-Workshops
Spend 90 minutes with 7-figure business coach Monica Shah, and walk out with a highly converting workshop that you’re excited to deliver. 

Choose the day and time that works best for you.

Choose the day and time that works best for you.

with 7-figure Business Coach Monica Shah

The Mini-Workshop Method is a powerfully simple process to fill a virtual or in-person room with excited prospects, have fun while you're teaching them, and convert them into high-ticket clients who become raving fans. 

I make over $700K/year just from my workshop-style events – and I’m excited to teach you how to do the same. 

In this workshop, you'll discover...