Thousands of people out there would happily pay for your services, programs & products.
Problem is, they don’t know you exist.UNTIL NOW…
Hi. We’re Linda Claire Puig and Monica Shah.
We’ve been helping entrepreneurs like you build businesses for years.
And we keep seeing the same struggles over and over again…
Linda Claire Puig & Monica Shah
You don’t have enough clients to fill your programs (either 1-on-1 programs or group programs).
Not enough people buy your products for you to live off of the sales.
You often worry about money… where it’s going to come from, if you’ll ever have enough, and how you’ll make more if your current clients don’t renew.
And you might be losing confidence in yourself and your business as more time goes by without seeing the results you dreamed of when you first started.
But before you give up completely (because the LAST thing you want to do is go back to a day job), we want you to know that there are 2 big lies you might have bought into.
We did, too, in the early days of marketing our businesses online. And those lies are at the root of your struggles.
LIE #1
(What others tell you)
“To get clients lining up to work with you, you just have to…
…pick the right niche, OR
…launch an online course, OR
…create great videos, OR
…write a book, etc.”
LIE #2
(What you tell yourself,
when those strategies don’t seem to work)
“It’s my fault.
I’m not good enough.
The problem is ME.”
(What we’re telling you)
“All of those strategies are AMAZING.
BUT they won’t work if you don’t have a big enough audience.”
It’s NOT your fault if those strategies don’t work out.
It’s simply that not enough people know about you and your work.
Because here’s what you have to understand…
It’s not enough just to create an amazing program or product.
It’s NOT like in the movie Field of Dreams, where the mysterious refrain was: “Build it and they will come.”
That’s what too many business owners are doing now… including maybe you.
You’re passionate about your work. So you “build it”—a transformative program, a useful product—to be of service.
You build it. But they just don’t come.
So what’s the solution?
How do you GET more people to know about you and your work?
The answer is…
You need to build a large online audience.
One that has already expressed interest in your work.
One that you can reach out to at any time to tell them about a new offer.
One that can continue to grow over time, so you have a constant stream of new leads.
One that’s large enough to support the goals you have for your business and lifestyle.
We’re talking about…
Sending out a newsletter or posting a blog article—and getting excited, heartfelt replies and comments.
Setting up a teleseminar or webinar—and getting a rush of sign-ups…and then having people actually show up!
Telling your list about a new offer—and getting lots of sales, directly from your emails!
Receiving invitations and opportunities—because people now see you as an expert and an authority on your topic.
This is what having a big email list can do for you.
And it’s not just about your business.
Because, as your business grows and starts giving back to you,
you’re able to have more fun, too!
You get to travel—to see family and friends, or to have amazing experiences around the world, like learning the tango in Argentina, or seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland.
You get to take care of things that are important to you—whether that’s spending more time with your kids, taking care of a loved one in a time of crisis, or giving to a church or charity.
You get to LIVE your dreams, not just dream them—maybe it’s hosting large events that transform lives, or writing (and selling) a book, or helping your partner leave his or her job.
Whatever it is you’ve been wanting to create in your business and your life—the way to get there is by putting your work in front of more people.
And we’re thrilled to open the doors to a brand-new program designed to help you do exactly that!
Build a Massive Online Audience in Half the Time
Big Awesome List is a 4-month DONE-WITH-YOU program that shows you how to build a BIG email list, so you can…
Finally sell more products + fill your programs (over and over again)
because you have a steady stream of new online leads.
Choose the kind of lifestyle you want.
Being able to fill your programs gives you a new level of financial freedom. And when you’re filling programs online, you’re able to do more of what you love—without putting your business (or cash flow) on pause.
Spread your message to a (MUCH) bigger audience
if you’ve ever felt the calling to impact more lives with your work, then it’s time to expand your reach in a big way.
EVEN IF you’re just getting started.
EVEN IF you’re uncomfortable with technology.
EVEN IF you’ve tried to build your list before with lackluster results.
You CAN build a big, awesome email list—and it can happen much faster than you think.
Big Awesome List is the most comprehensive course we’ve EVER created on growing a big online following of ideal clients. (That’s the “awesome” part!)
Our intention with Big Awesome List is to guide you through the steps of actually tackling a big list-building project WHILE you’re IN the program.
Plus putting important foundational list-building strategies into place.
So that in 4 months—you’ll be well on your way to having a Big, Awesome List!
PLUS—we’re including 4 online Get It Done Days, where the entire group comes together virtually to actually take action on what you’re learning over the four months. (Our private clients LOVE these Get It Done Days!)
This is not an “open brain, pour in information” kind of course.
It’s learning and doing—under our expert guidance. It’s learning WHILE doing!
We’ll tell you more about the Get It Done Days in a moment—but first…
Here are some highlights of what you’ll discover in Big Awesome List…
All 8 Categories of List-Building + a Custom Plan for YOU.
Not all list-building strategies are created equal—so we’ll show you all 8 categories in detail and help you pick the best for YOUR business and add them to your plan.
Step-by-Step Instruction to Implement the FASTEST List-Building Methods.
PLUS, we’re actually helping you go all the way from “idea” to completed project—DURING the 4 months that you are with us!
Attention-Getting Topics and Irresistible Titles.
We’ll not only show you how to avoid boring titles and snooze-worthy topics—the #1 list-building mistake—we’ll also review what you come up with and help you improve it!
The Fabulous Freebie Formula.
Our simple method helps you quickly create free gifts that your ideal clients will be falling over themselves to opt in for. PLUS you’ll get guided and supervised time to actually DO them so that you can start building your list right away. PLUS traffic strategies to get eyeballs on those freebies!
Expert Status
Exactly how to establish yourself as an authority through videos, teleclasses, interviews and more. (Don’t worry—we’re breaking this down to make it as easy as possible, even if you’re not tech savvy.)
Powerful Partnership Secrets.
Finding and asking partners to promote you and your work is often where people get stuck. We’ll share the exact steps + scripts we use to reach out to potential partners, develop relationships and invite them to participate in promotions.
“I more than quadrupled my list size!”
“Monica’s strategies have helped me to more than quadruple my list size—and I’ve quadrupled my revenue since I started working with her! She took a BIG project (hosting my first telesummit) and broke it down into small, manageable steps. She also showed me how to evaluate my own progress + how to shift gears any time I’m not getting the results I want. I have a long-term plan not just for the coming year, but for years down the line. And the crazy part is, I have more free time than ever! This year, I’m able to take a number of personal trips that I would’ve had to skip in the past.”
“My list more than doubled and my income took a huge leap!”
“I was stuck in Low List Land for years before I met Linda Claire Puig and participated in her Done4You Giveaway and a few others she was connected with. I had managed to grow to just about 3,000 over a 20-year period—so achingly slow. I frequently only grew by a few dozen to a hundred names in a year, and my income had plateaued at 5 figures. Linda had told me that growing my list would be the key to a 6-figure business and boy was she right! My list more than doubled and my income took a huge leap just by joining her giveaway three years in a row and having a smart follow-up sequence afterward. I now use giveaways and telesummits as a primary list-building strategy on my way to multiple 6 figures now. Thanks Linda!”
Linda Claire Puig is a genius when it comes to list building strategy.
I hired her to design a giveaway for my company and have to say that her detailed strategy, documents and systems are the reason it is working so well. Thanks Linda – you rock!
Here’s how Big Awesome List works…
12 LIVE Training Webinars + Q&A
Each month, you get 3 content-rich training webinars, where we (Linda and Monica) will be teaching the material LIVE. And every session will end with Q&A, so you can ask us your specific questions directly. By the end of our 4 months together, you’ll have ALL of our content from the most in-depth training on list-building we’ve ever created.
4 Get It Done Days
We know how easy it is to take a program where you do a lot of “learning,” but not a lot of “DOing.” So think of these as your monthly “Get It Done” Days, where you have dedicated time + our support to implement all the key list-building elements you learn in the program and make sure you don’t fall behind.
One-on-One Coaching Calls
Your Personal List-Building Strategy Call
Our list-building coaches will help you map out a custom list-build strategy that you can carry out for the next 4 months—using our list-build planner to make it easy.
List Nurture Plan Call
Our coaches will help you create your custom plan to nurture and build a relationship with your list so you are ready to monetize it.
Video Recordings of Every Class + Get It Done Days
We understand there may be times you can’t join us for a live class—and that’s okay! And you’ll likely want to come back to particular points in the training later on down the road. So you’ll get access to video recordings of every training webinar, and every Get It Done Day—so you can move at your own pace when you need to.
Access to our Members-Only Community
In this private Facebook group, you’ll be able to ask additional questions and get feedback from the community. Monica and Linda will be active participants in the group and will check in regularly to make sure you haven’t gotten stuck. PLUS, what better place to find and connect with potential joint venture partners than in a community that’s laser focused on the same goal?
Access to The Big Awesome List Vault
When you join Big Awesome List, you get access to an entire collection of done-for-you email scripts, phone scripts, web page templates, cheat sheets, checklists, timelines and more! This will save you countless hours, as you’ll never have to start from scratch.
We’ve been building our lists for YEARS now. We’ve tried, tested, tweaked and retested every single step we’re giving you—which means you’re receiving a LOT of proven material.
Big List Essentials Kit (available immediately!)
This package of short-and-sweet trainings and worksheets are available immediately to you. They’ll help you “stack the decks” in YOUR favor during the course by making sure you start off on the right foot with foundational essentials.
We recommend that you read or listen to them and do the short worksheets before our first training calls begin so that you’re ready and rarin’ to go.
Topics include:
- How to Identify the Perfect Target Market for a Laser-Focused List
- How to Select the Right Email List Manager for You
- How to Create and Upload Your “Starter List”
- How to Identify and Overcome Your Biggest Business Fears
VALUE: $1,000
Monthly Technology SOS Calls
We know from our years of experience coaching clients just like you that technology is often one of the big “stoppers” when it comes to online list-building. So we’ve arranged for a tech expert to be available for your tech questions every month of the program.
She’ll do a brief training for everyone, showing you on her own desktop exactly how to put key pieces of list-building technology to work for yourself. Then she’ll be available for YOUR specific tech questions.
VALUE: $1,500
Big List Resource Rolodex
We’ve done all the research and vetting for you! Our rolodex contains links to any and every resource you’ll ever need for your list-building.
From free email managers to low-cost design resources to stock photo sites to done-for-you technology assistance and much more, it’s all here. Saves you precious time and the trial-and-error of researching all your own resources.
VALUE: Priceless! (this one comes from years of experience)
2 Complimentary Tickets to Monica Shah’s
Once you get a taste of what planning ahead can do for your list growth, you’ll be hooked! At Monica’s 3-day LIVE event, you’ll look at your ENTIRE business (and life), determine exactly what you want—and then you’ll discover how to get it!
Best Year Yet Bootcamp gathers together smart, ambitious business owners who are ready to get a step-by-step plan that shows you how to make more money + create the lifestyle you truly want.
Tickets to this event are normally $595—but you get in for FREE when you join Big Awesome List—and you ALSO get to bring a friend for free!
VALUE: $1,190
Grew our list by over 10,000 people!
Thank you Linda for first inspiring us, then consulting to show us exactly HOW to grow our list by over 10,000 people! Your advice and expertise are priceless and you make the process simple, fun and easy. Many blessings to you!
…my list has grown from 5,000 to over 14,000
I have been growing my list with Monica since 2012 and has grown from 5,000 to over 14,000. Most recently, I decided to go bigger in 2016 and host the “Money and Success Masterclass” (a tele summit). Monica’s guidance supported me every step of the way from asking experts through to the emails offering the upgrade package.
Even though I had resisted leading a similar event for a few years as I had been telling myself that it be hard, time consuming, and overwhelming, I actually had a blast doing it! I got to interview colleagues and mentors, add a lot of value to my readers and the 2000+ new people who joined in to listen, and have tracked $14,695 in revenue from the event!
Now I am launching a new 12-month program and I can already see how it will help this launch be successful and support my goals of leading a business and a family with 2 small kids.
What would it be worth to you to be able to grow a big, highly targeted and hungry online list…in half the time?
What would it be like to launch a new program, host a live event, or simply make some quick cash?
And have any and all of those succeed far beyond what’s previously been possible for you?
Here’s the thing—so far, we’ve only shared this information with our highest-level clients who pay tens of thousands of dollars to work with us.
But the truth is, we want more business owners to have this information. Because we strongly believe entrepreneurs will bring about great change in the world—but in order to do so, they first must have the tools to expand their reach.
When we sat down to create this program, we put so much content into it that WE got excited! (More than once, we said, “This is going to be SUCH a good program. I wish I could’ve taken this course!”)
Because this material truly has the power to transform your business…and your life.
Once you have these tools and strategies, you’ll be able to keep building your list year after year.
And you won’t have to make the same kind of investment that our private clients made.
Let’s review everything you get…
12 content-rich LIVE training webinars—with Q&A
4 six-hour Get It Done Days
One-on-One Coaching Calls
Video recordings of the entire course, including the Q&A and Get It Done Days
Access to the Members-Only Community
Access to the Big Awesome List Vault (email scripts, templates, checklists, cheatsheets, and more!)
BONUS #1: Big List Essentials Kit
BONUS #2: Monthly Technology SOS Calls
BONUS #3: Big List Resource Rolodex
BONUS #4: 2 Complimentary Tickets to Best Year Yet Bootcamp ($1,190 value)
You get all of this for 12 payments of $195. (Or, you can pay for the entire 4 months in 1 payment of $1,995, saving you $345.)
This is an investment in one of the most essential skills you MUST have if you want to build your business online. And it will continue to pay off for you, year after year.
With just one or two new clients, you could more than pay for your entire investment. And just imagine what can happen when you start filling larger programs and events from your big list!
But you can get on this list to be notified if we open the program again!
Just enter your info in the form below.
Meet your Big Awesome List creators
Linda Claire Puig wanted to raise her son the way she wanted.
As a single mom for most of her son's life, she felt it was important to have flexibility and choice—which prompted her to start her own business. As the business took off, so did Linda's desire for freedom and the ability to travel with her son. But her list growth was slow and limited her opportunities for that travel—until she began to focus on building her email list to create more freedom.
For the past 8 years, Linda has hosted the most highly regarded gift giveaway event in the industry, the Done4You Giveaway, and has consulted with other luminaries, such as Monica Shah, Kendall SummerHawk, Vrinda Normand and Shanda Sumpter to create giveaways of their own, using her insights and processes. She has also hosted a popular telesummit called "On the Road & Making Money" and multiple “multi-partner” promotional events.
Today, Linda travels 3 to 6 months out of every year.
Thanks to her email list, she has been able to send out a simple series of 3 emails to generate $25,000—all while sitting in a café in Europe.
Ever since she was 4 years old, Monica Shah knew she wanted to make an impact on the planet.
In her first year of business, she was excited to have 20 people sign up for her teleclasses (even though only a fraction of that number would actually show up to the class). She spent about 2 years working harder—going to more networking events, doing more speaking events, and spending more time on the phone.
Once Monica realized that having a big email list made everything EASIER, she never looked back.
She now has a 7-figure business, hosts 3-day events that attract over 200 entrepreneurs, and has taught thousands of business owners in her online programs.
This year, Monica's goal is to touch 5,000 people to change how they think about, speak about, and interact with money—and have them step into confidence about being able to create whatever they want.
Is Big Awesome List right for you?
The great thing is—the tools and strategies you learn in Big Awesome List can be applied at ANY stage of your business.
However, we want to make sure this program is right for YOU.
Big Awesome List is right for you if...
You're just getting started as a coach, consultant, or service provider—and you want to grow your business quickly...and you know that means building your list right from the start.
Your business is more seasoned, but you're ready to start launching online programs (but know you need a larger list in order to fill those programs).
You've already been launching online programs for a while, and it's worked okay...but now you're ready to start putting MORE people into those programs you've worked so hard to create.
You're ready to stop struggling around money, so you can focus on the things that are most important to you, like family, friends and amazing experiences.
You want more people to benefit from your work—and you feel like it's time to step up and be seen + recognized in a bigger way for that work.
Big Awesome List is NOT right for you if...
You're looking for a Get Rich Quick magic bullet. We'll be sharing a variety of strategies to build your list, and we'll make it as easy possible for you. But building your list is NOT an overnight miracle.
You're already satisfied with the size of your audience. And if you're here, reading this page, we have a feeling you're NOT satisfied with your list size. 🙂
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How much access do I get to Linda and Monica?
A. Linda and Monica will be teaching the 12 training webinars—and each one ends with open Q&A, so you have 12 opportunities right there to get direct feedback.
We'll also be checking in on the private Facebook group, to cheer you on and answer additional questions. PLUS you'll get opportunities to ask questions during the Get It Done Days.
We've done our best to give you as many chances to ask questions as possible, without having to charge you our higher-level coaching prices.
Q. What if I have to miss a class?
A. No worries! Every class will be recorded, so you can watch it on your own time. And if you have questions but can’t make it to the Q&A portions of the classes, you can post them in the private Facebook group. We’ll be in there, answering questions and guiding you along.
Q. What if I'm uncomfortable with technology?
A. We totally understand this concern. Using online strategies does include using online technology. So we’ll be sharing with you the easiest tech options we've found. PLUS you’ve got a call each month with a technology expert (who speaks plain English, not “techy”) to get all your tech questions answered. We'll also talk about how you can find outside support if necessary.
Q. I've tried list-building strategies before. How is this program different?
A. We've seen many entrepreneurs who had the intention of doing some list building—but then they stop for some reason.
Here's where we see people get stuck in building their lists...
You see someone else doing something to build his or her list (a summit or a giveaway), but you don't know where to start or what to do. (Maybe you don't even think it's possible for you.)
Or you start the process, but get stuck early in. Maybe you can't figure out the title, or how to write the copy. You have no one to give you feedback, so you put it on hold...for months or even years.
Perhaps you've wanted to try a list-build event, but you're not sure how to get partners to participate and help promote it. (How do you approach them? What do you say? What do you write?)
Maybe you've even pushed through and done a list-build event...but you didn't get the results you'd hoped for. (And definitely not results that matched all the work you put into it!) So you stopped doing anything further.
We realized we needed to create a comprehensive
list-building program that does 3 major things:
Shows you exactly how to build your list and walks with you through all of it, so it doesn't feel hard any more.
Teaches all the best ways of building your list. In fact, we have broken it down into 8 categories to make it crystal clear and easy to follow.
We actually help you get it done. We’ve built in 5 different robust ways to get input, feedback and support on your list-building activities DURING the course, so this doesn’t become just another "nice" course that didn’t get actually implemented into your business.
And that's exactly what we've created in Big Awesome List for you.
PLUS, we're giving you 4 Get It Done Days—special days dedicated to getting the work DONE—
so you're not just taking a're completing a list-building project DURING the program itself.
The skills you'll learn in Big Awesome List can shortcut your business growth and put you on the fast track.
These skills and strategies will allow you to reach more people with your work and your message.
They’ll give you the ability to build a business that supports you, your family and a lifestyle of freedom.
Here's another look at everything you get...
12 content-rich LIVE training webinars—with Q&A
4 six-hour Get It Done Days
One-on-One Coaching Calls
Video recordings of the entire course, including the Q&A and Get It Done Days
Access to the Members-Only Community
Access to the Big Awesome List Vault (email scripts, templates, checklists, cheatsheets, and more!)
BONUS #1: Big List Essentials Kit
BONUS #2: Monthly Technology SOS Calls
BONUS #3: Big List Resource Rolodex
BONUS #4: 2 Complimentary Tickets to Best Year Yet Bootcamp ($1,190 value)
I made my investment back in less than 30 days
Linda's consulting has been invaluable as I put together my Giveaway. There are a lot of moving parts to this thing! Linda provides answers, best practices, templates, swipe copy and so much more. This has taken SO much of the guesswork out of pulling off an event of this magnitude. I would highly recommend her services because she not only gives a ton of value, she's got the experience and years of know-how to back it up. This means you avoid a lot of mistakes and headaches under her guidance, saving you time, money, and effort. I made my investment back in less than 30 days, which is just the cherry on top. I know as my Giveaway rolls out it is going to be a huge success. Thanks Linda!
10,000 people in just 3 weeks
Linda was so generous with her expertise on giveaways. She worked with my team and helped them develop a great system for producing this collaboration. My Grow Your List Giveaway attracted 10,000 people in just 3 weeks!
But you can get on this list to be notified if we open the program again!
Just enter your info in the form below.