How to create an extra $5,000 in the next 90 days– while saving 5 hours a week (so you can kick back & enjoy these last days of warm weather)

Are you excited to hit the ground running now that it’s back-to-school time?
Do you need extra cash for bills, business expenses, and paying off all those summer luxuries?
Does it feel like you have way more ideas & projects for your business than you actually have time to do? (And it’s exhausting.)
Or does it feel like your bank account still doesn’t have its act together, even though we’re “post-pandemic”?

If you answered “yes,” then I can help…

The prevailing “wisdom” out there is to get up at 5am and work until 8pm, and then you’ll be successful. Oh, and be sure to maintain a morning ritual, exercise routine, and spiritual practice – and take care of your family.

With this guidance, it’s no wonder we’re all exhausted and feel like we’re never doing enough.

It’s simply unsustainable.

But here’s the good news: It’s UNNECESSARY.

I’ve helped thousands of clients reach 6 and 7 figures over the last 10 years and here’s what WORKS:


To generate extra cash and create significantly more free time, you must…



do less, not more.



on the most important money-making activities.

When you simplify and focus, you can do less work that actually yields more (and better) results.

Yes, this is way easier said than done.

Because you first have to know how to simplify. And when it feels like every marketing and business guru is telling you “Do a funnel! Do a video! Get on Instagram! LinkedIn is the way to go!” – how do you know what you can let go of?

And then you have to know what the most important money-making activities are – especially since your subconscious mind often pulls you away from the most lucrative activities (because you’re submitting to fears you don’t even realize you have).

This is why almost every entrepreneur I meet is overcomplicating and overanalyzing. And it’s creating unnecessary exhaustion and overwhelm.

That’s why I created a 5-step formula to help you simplify and focus.

And I call it my 5-Step Freedom Formula because that’s exactly what it gives you: FREEDOM.


FREEDOM to stop second-guessing what to do next.


FREEDOM from worrying if this is going to work.


FREEDOM from being at the mercy of your inner critic.


FREEDOM from overworking & overworrying about money.


FREEDOM to start checking off those bucket list items & spending more time on activities you love.

I’ve taught thousands of clients this formula – and watched them have their first $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 (and more!) months…

…all while freeing up even more time to spend on themselves and their loved ones.

I see this all the time with my clients…


When they first come to me, they’ve often been stuck for months or even years – with zero clients, or inconsistent income, or feeling like no one knows who they are.


Then, when they get what I’ve come to call my Freedom Formula, everything gets easier.

And suddenly, they’re celebrating signing four new clients in a single week, landing their biggest corporate contract ever, or a speaking event that rocked.


So I started thinking about how hard the past few years have been for all of us.

And how the pressure of world events has made it really difficult to figure out what to do in your business alone.

So I decided to share my 5-step Freedom Formula that will help you:

>> Generate an extra $5,000

>> Save at least 5 hours per week

Totally perfect for September’s back-to-school energy
where you’re fired up and ready to focus on your business again – but unwilling to sacrifice your free time.

We’re going to do all of this together in…

client jumpstart logo

How to create an extra $5,000 in the next 90 days –
while saving 5 hours a week (so you can kick back & enjoy these last days of warm weather)

A 3-hour workshop to get clients, get paid, and get free.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this workshop…


The 2 Essential Mindset Shifts to Make Money

(Because you might not even realize you’re sabotaging yourself)

The 3 Activities You Must Be Doing Now to Attract New Clients

(Once you learn these, you’ll be able to do them over and over again – without even leaving your home!)


The #1 Piece You Need to Have to Close Clients Online

(…without doing a sales webinar or pestering people in Facebook Messenger)


The Crucial Element Most People Miss Around Making More Money

(Hint: you need to do this at all times, but it’s even more important right now)


I used to believe making 6 figures would be hard. Now, I’ve tripled my private coaching prices, have filled my group program, and know how to use self care to safeguard my energy.

Cledra Gross

Master Coach & Creator of Healthy Boss Ladies


two women talking and laughing

I believe every woman should have a checking account with her name on it – and it should have LOTS of money in there.

I’m absolutely shameless about helping women make money. Because I believe that the more money we put into the hands of women, the better this world will look.

My clients have used the skills I’ve taught them to enroll their kids in better schools, move to safer communities, leave unsupportive relationships, heal with alternative healthcare, and – of course – have fun adventures and create the kind of lifestyles they truly desire.

Unfortunately, the path to true equality for women will happen much faster through financial freedom than it will through legislation.

That’s why I’ve made it my life’s mission to help women create wealth on their own terms – and to do it in a way that lifts them up spiritually while they’re taking concrete action steps.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to do in the Cash Flow & Freedom Formula workshop.


Only halfway through the year, and I was already $9,000 ahead of my full-year revenue of last year. I am more relaxed and have more time for friends and family.

Claire Steichen

President, Clear Strategy Coaching


How much more of your life are you willing to waste on taking actions that don’t lead to results?

It breaks my heart to see women working so hard and not making the money they deserve – especially since most programs in the marketing industry lack structure and are hard to follow (especially if you’re a beginner).

So if you’re reading this page and have already spent thousands of dollars on courses that are collecting dust on your hard drive, know that you’re not alone – and that you didn’t do anything wrong.

I’m known for making it simple and easy-to-follow, so you can finally have true freedom.

Not just in terms of money, but also freedom from worrying and being anxious about the future.

Is today the day that you allow yourself to break up with fear – and step into a place of peace, hope, and certainty?

It all starts with the decision to join us for just $27.

Ready to join us in
The Cash Flow & Freedom Formula WORKSHOP?

Join us for a single payment of $27.
(Yep, for the price of a dinner, you get a workshop that will finally free your time for what matters most.)

2 dates to choose from:



FRI, Sept 23, 11am – 2pm EDT

Before I met Monica, I was treating my business like a hobby. I had an MBA, but I couldn’t figure out how to fit the pieces together in my own business. Now, thanks to Monica, I’m tracking my numbers, setting realistic goals – and creating action plans! I’ve even raised my prices three times – and people still say Yes!

Haven E Carter

Executive Coach, Speaker & Author



Knowing how to talk about your work in a way that gets people interested to learn more.
Attracting new clients who totally resonate with your message and end up raving about you.
Ending each day feeling confident that actions you took that day are going to lead to money.
Being able to take a Friday off without guilt because you know you saved 5 hours that week.
Finally being clear on the next big action steps you need to take to make at least $5,000 more in your business.

Ready to join us in
The Cash Flow & Freedom Formula WORKSHOP?

Join us for a single payment of $27.
(Yep, for the price of a dinner, you get a workshop that will finally free your time for what matters most.)

2 dates to choose from:



FRI, Sept 23, 11am – 2pm EDT

I went from struggling to come up with $4,000 a month (which just covered my monthly expenses as a single mom) to an over 6-figure business within a year and a half of working with Monica! I’m also traveling 4-5 times per year for work and creating online programs that generate passive income for me while I’m helping others.

Janet Raftis

Energy Healer & Intuitive Development Coach

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