Grow Your Business
Peacefully & Profitably with Tarot

A 4-week program for entrepreneurs on how to amplify your intuition, make optimal decisions, & uncover peaceful pathways to massive success using the wisdom of the Tarot

Growing Your Business Doesn’t Have to Be About Pushing & Exhaustion.
Want to Know My Secret to Building Wealth & Freedom Faster with Peace & Joy?


It’s not working harder or longer.


It’s not using the latest funnel or fad.


And it’s certainly not being “more disciplined.”

It’s something that I’ve used for the last 20 years.

And I fondly call it, “my little Tarot secret.”

Really, it’s being able to listen to your own intuition.

And being able to hear what is right for you, in that moment.

When you’re building and running a business, there are so many variables.

Nothing is ever the One Right Way to do business. Just because you see someone doing something and having success with it, doesn’t mean that’s the correct path for you.

In order to find the right path for you and your business, you have to take into account all the variables of your life.

And the only way to do that is to listen to your intuition.

(Because our human mind can’t consciously take all of those variables and put them into an equation to give us an answer. And even when we try to do this, the answer we get is laced with our own fears and insecurities.)

Using the Tarot deck is a shortcut
to being able to hear that inner voice.

Have you ever felt that if you could just hear that inner voice more often, your business would be so much easier and successful?

But it may feel like you can only find your own, deeper voice sometimes…
…and it seems to get very quiet when you need it most.

You’re spiraling around business decisions (like program names, prices, dates, hiring, etc) – because it’s so hard to tap into your own knowing of what feels right or wrong.

When things don’t work, or clients don’t sign up, or it doesn’t go the way you planned – you can’t stop overthinking because you can’t tap into your inner voice to tell you what to do (and calm you down).


You feel lonely and unsupported – and you wish you had a deeper well of internal wisdom to pull from to help you through those times.

All of these situations (and so many more) become RADICALLY easier when you can trust yourself, hear your inner voice, and follow your intuition.

Trusting your own inner wisdom is the secret to dramatically reducing SUFFERING as you grow your Business.

Using the Tarot deck is a shortcut to being able to hear that inner voice, and learn to trust it and follow it.

I’ve been using the Tarot deck to help me listen to my intuition for as long as I can remember, and it has helped me sustain a 7-figure business since 2013.

I see so many entrepreneurs out there suffering because they are doing what “others” told them to do, or copying what they think will make them successful, or spiraling in decision fatigue and second-guessing.

Listening to the wisdom of the Tarot, which reflects your own inner wisdom, makes decisions & actions in your business flow peacefully and profitably.

After teaching these materials to my highest level clients for years – I decided I could no longer watch people struggle to push & force their way forward. I had to share an easier way.

Which is why I’m so excited to introduce:

Grow Your Business
Peacefully & Profitably with Tarot

A 4-week program for entrepreneurs on how to amplify your intuition, make optimal decisions, & uncover peaceful pathways to massive success using the wisdom of the Tarot

We start on June 12th and all recordings will be available for ALL classes,
which makes this perfect for all of you busy folks out there who can’t make it live!

The Grow Your Business with Tarot Difference

Every day, we’re forced to learn something or do something we’ve never done before.
We face failure, rejection, and major risk-taking on a regular basis.

So it makes sense that we’d want to have
more security and certainty from the universe.

That’s why I love the Tarot!

I’m as much a control freak as the next entrepreneur, and I’ve found the Tarot to be my conduit for answers, support, comfort, and wisdom.

You don’t have to live in constant stress, pushing and second-guessing as you grow your business. You can trust yourself, find answers that work and finally feel at peace as you move forward.

This is the most powerful secret I know that has helped me to grow and maintain a 7-figure business for the last 10 years with peace & joy. Whether you’ve ever picked up a Tarot deck in your life or not, I’m thrilled to be able to share that secret with you.

Here’s how it works…

We’ll come together virtually for four 90-minute sessions: June 12, June 19, June 26 & July 10.
(All classes are recorded and available if you cannot make the classes live.)

In each class we will learn about a Tarot Archetype and then do an activity and ritual to embody that archetype in your body.

You’ll leave with specific activities to do each week to bring the energy of that Tarot card into your life. For example, in week 1, you’ll have after-class actions that show you step-by-step how to take bigger leaps, trust yourself and not be so afraid of “doing it wrong.” And the whole community will be sharing their progress and practice together, so you’ll feel inspired & validated through the process.

By the end of our 4 weeks together, you will be amazed at how much you trust yourself, can hear your inner voice and are genuinely happier in your life + business. And how much more success is coming your way because of it.

You’ll have access to the recordings should you be unable to make it live, but I do encourage you to clear your calendar as much as possible as the activities and rituals are so much more fun to do live & together as a community!

Over the 4 weeks, we’re going to study & embody 5 of the most powerful cards that I think are
important for entrepreneurs to trust their inner voices & shortcut their path towards success.

These 5 cards make up what I call…


When you understand the lessons in these cards, you’ll know how to take any project – from start to completion – in a peaceful, profitable way, without second-guessing, self-doubt, or stress. You’ll know how to:

Pull yourself out of procrastination and get to work

Start projects with excitement instead of fear

Keep going no matter what comes up

Resist distraction and temptation during the process

Be able to fully receive the exact results you want – and not have to do it alone (say hello to support!)

…and finally be able to use your intuition through every step of the process.

This is the secret to growing your business faster and with so much more peace (I can hear your sighs of relief).

When you understand the lessons in these 5 cards, your business decisions become easier, your actions flow, and you’ll finally be able to have peaceful, profitable success.

teaches you how to do new things without being afraid of failure, criticism, or rejection.


How to start new things quickly, without feeling like you have to be perfect. In fact, it helps you to let go of perfection!


How to navigate the fact that, as entrepreneurs, we’re always trying things that don’t work – and how to be more resilient, so when that happens, it doesn’t stop you.

How to release your baggage, so you can take uncomfortable actions with more grace and ease.

teaches you how to be OK with the messy parts of creation. (So you don’t quit when you don’t know where to go next or the technology breaks down!)

How to move through the most uncomfortable moments of a project where you feel lost and confused and start to doubt whether you’re ever going to finish it.
How to gain the clarity to understand how you can get to the finish line.
How to be with conflict – without quitting or making yourself wrong.

teaches you how to recognize when you are self-sabotaging, then to stop beating yourself up and take action much faster.


How to unravel your negative patterns and habits without beating yourself up.

How to stop making yourself wrong when you do that thing you weren’t supposed to do (like procrastinating again) and get back on track fast.
How to create positive habits and patterns without taking forever.

teaches you how to show up to projects, people and events in your business that are scary or out of your comfort zone – with peace and courage.

How to face things that trigger you (technology, filming a video, speaking on stage, etc) without quitting.
How to face the HARD stuff (like having a client back out, or hard conversations with your underperforming virtual assistant or an unhappy client) with courage and boldness instead of procrastination and avoidance.
How to soften resistance and fear so you can show up to your work with an open heart and the motivation to get things done!

teaches you how to get and receive support – even if you’re somebody who is normally a do-it-yourselfer or a loner.

How to break the pattern of “I have to do everything myself.”
How to increase your capacity to raise your prices or decrease your hours.
How to step into your own worthiness of having more. More money. More time. More pleasure.

Do Tarot card pulls to engage the power of the universe and gain some guidance.

I’ll show you how to do a simple Tarot spread you can use every day to connect in with universal wisdom, make your decisions easier, and manage disappointment, shame, worry, or any emotions that come up throughout the day!

Create your own Tarot Manifesto, so you can walk away with a plan on how to use the cards to be more successful in your business.

Using the wisdom from the 5 Archetypes, you’ll create your own manifesto that you can read daily to remind you of your own inner strength, wisdom, and ability to do anything you want.

Note: I recommend that you buy a Rider-Waite Tarot deck before the program, as I will have you pull cards, so you can practice listening to your intuition.

(You can find many types of Rider-Waite Tarot decks on Amazon or other online stores. Any size or color is fine, as long as it’s a Rider-Waite deck, so we can all be looking at the same images.)

Monica is a rare combination of a highly knowledgeable and experienced business person, and powerfully right-brained intuitive. As such, she went beyond verbally addressing my trust issues and, through an energetic process, got to the heart of the matter. Within a few weeks, I have booked my first 6-month client, and have another who is about to sign on!”

Rahti Gorfien

Career Coach for Creative Entrepreneurs

Working with Monica, I have learned so much about myself, how I operate and why I do what I do. Her spiritual work is incredible and always leaves me feeling so much more positive and confident. I know I can make the changes I need to create my business and make it work – and I can make much better judgments about where I choose to spend my time.

Jennifer Wright

Are You Ready to Make Your Business Decisions & Actions Flow From a Place of Peace & Joy Using the Wisdom of the Tarot?

Sign me up for
Grow Your Business Peacefully
& Profitably with Tarot

All classes are recorded and available if you cannot make the classes live.


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Until working with Monica, I was actually blocking or resisting some of the opportunities that were right in front of me. Now I’ve had four new opportunities come in, which may nearly double my income for this quarter. I am now ready for them and have the energy, enthusiasm, and gratitude – instead of the overwhelm – to take action.

Scott David

Owner and Executive Coach - Courage to Be

Monica is an exceptional human being – a superwoman in her own way. She is business savvy, but what is unique, exceptional, and effective about her is her spiritual ability to teach us how to win the game against ourselves, before we can win business.

She teaches us to recognize our resistance, calm ourselves when we feel overwhelmed, get laser-focused and get things done, gain fired-up energy, handle our fear, and more. What’s even more exceptional is her spiritual healing power. It is an out-of-this-world natural talent that other business coaches don’t have.

Shirley Tang

Founder of uCANcomplain, Inc.

Meet 7-figure business coach Monica Shah…

Monica Shah VIP
Being an entrepreneur is hard.

When I started my first business, within 12 months, I was $25,000 in debt – and I was so stressed out, wondering if I’d ever get out of it.

What I learned was there are 5 steps to making money. As soon as I started following them, within the next 12 months, I was able to pay off that debt, put $7,000 in the bank (my first time ever having savings!), and build my business.

Every year after that, I’ve doubled or tripled my revenue. We crossed 7 figures in 2013, and have been a 7-figure+ company ever since.

But here’s the part that people don’t talk about…

There were SO MANY messy moments.

Like the first time a client I was sure was going to work with me ended up saying No – and I turned into a mopey ball of disappointment for an entire week.


Or the first time I participated on an interview panel. I got so anxious that I had to leave the event and do EFT (tapping) on myself for two hours.


Or the first time I hosted a live event. I was so scared of being on stage that I almost sabotaged the whole event by not marketing it… and then had traumatic dreams for 3 months after the event was over.

What got me through these moments was my connection with Spirit, and my knowledge that I was never alone.

And one of my main tools of connection was my Tarot deck.

I’ve found that the Tarot allows you to have active communication with your Higher Self, Spirit, God, your Guides, or simply your own intuition.

This has been one of my secret success strategies I’ve been using over the last 20 years, and I’m so excited to share it with you now.

And, as a business coach since 2010, I’ve been able to help thousands of women entrepreneurs (and a few amazing men!) build 6- and 7-figure businesses that pay for lives they love.

The Thing I Love about this program…

It’s one thing to have a spiritual mentor teach you about the Tarot.

And it’s one thing to have a business expert teach you about business.

But it’s a completely unique (and holy-moly! powerfully useful) experience to have a 7-figure business coach show you how to use the Tarot to grow your business success.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to do during our time together.

I went from struggling to come up with $4,000 a month (which just covered my monthly expenses as a single mom) to an over 6-figure business within a year and a half of working with Monica!

Janet Raftis

Energy Healer & Intuitive Development Coach

I had a private healing practice but wasn’t ever taught how to create a thriving business. Since working with Monica, my practice has become a thriving business. (My husband loves this!) My income has more than doubled and in some months my income has quadrupled! Monica’s depth, compassion, clarity and savvy business skills combined with her rich intuitive gifts and spiritual awareness make her a truly whole and brilliant teacher and coach.

Quiana Grace Frost

Questions? I’ve Got Answers!

Q. Isn’t Tarot scary or “evil”?

In the past, Tarot was often associated with predicting the future or darker forms of magic. The way I teach Tarot is by using the messaging and imagery on the card as Archetypes to help us move forward in our lives. No predictions of the future or dark magic involved!

Q. What if I’m uncomfortable predicting my future?

We’re not trying to predict the future in this program. I believe Tarot readings are an invitation to think about things differently and add some more perspective to what is currently going on in your life or business. They are a way to tap into your inner wisdom to help you make decisions and take actions that are in alignment with you in the present moment. During the program, I’ll show you how to do various easy spreads that you can practice on your own.

Q. Will this teach me how to do Tarot readings for myself or others?

No. While I will do more comprehensive Tarot courses in the future, in this program, we’ll be going deep on 5 different Archetypes from the Tarot. You won’t be learning the meaning of every card (there are 78 of them! that requires a lot more time!).

Q. What if I already know how to do Tarot readings? Is this program still useful?

Yep! I’ve been working with Tarot cards for 20 years. The meanings of the cards I’ll be sharing with you are unique to me as a 7-figure business coach and highly intuitive healer. Over the last 20 years, I’ve not only come up with unique meanings for each card; I’ve also come up with very helpful ways to use the cards to help your business. So it’s great if you come in with a foundation with the Tarot already! You’ll find that my teachings add another layer of understanding and usefulness to your own Tarot practice.

Q. What if I’ve never read any Tarot at all?

That’s fine! This class requires no prior knowledge of the Tarot. The only thing we suggest is for you to purchase a Rider-Waite Tarot deck before the program, so you can see the images close-up for yourself. You can find many decks on Amazon or other online stores. Any Rider-Waite deck that feels good to you is fine. There are lots of different sizes and colors, but as long as you get a Rider-Waite deck, you’re fine, so we can be looking at the same images.

Q. I’ve gotten a Tarot reading before that I didn’t like or agree with. Do you think I should try it again?

Sometimes Tarot readers are overly predictive or controlling. This can cause fear and powerlessness. I don’t agree with this approach, and I’m sorry if this has happened to you. If you’ve read this far, chances are you want an opportunity to heal your relationship with Tarot. This program will introduce you to 5 of my favorite Archetypes and help you fall in love with Tarot the way it was meant to be.

Q. Do I need a Tarot deck, and which one?

I’ll be showing pictures of the cards via Zoom. And it’s helpful for you to be able to see the cards close-up and to start to use them as anchors in your daily life immediately following each class. For that reason, I recommend purchasing a Rider-Waite Tarot deck before the program (you can find many on Amazon or other online stores). Any Rider-Waite deck that feels good to you is fine. There are lots of different sizes and colors, but as long as you get a Rider-Waite deck, you’re fine, so we can be looking at the same images

Q. What if I have a different Tarot deck? Will that work?

For your own personal use, I suggest you use any Tarot deck that feels good for you. But for the purposes of having everyone look at the same image during the program, we’ll be using the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. (And honestly, don’t we all want an excuse to get another deck? 😁 )

Q. What’s the difference between a Tarot deck and an Oracle deck?

First, a Tarot deck has 156 different meanings to it (because each of the 78 cards has an upwards meaning and a reversal meaning). Also, when you pull a card in Tarot, the images represent both positive and negative things you’re going through. And, usually, Tarot decks don’t come with a guide book, so you learn on your own how to interpret the cards. Every Tarot reader interprets the cards differently. (Also, Tarot is much older, created in Italy in the 1430s, so the Archetypes, images, and symbols tend to be a lot more intricate and richer than on Oracle cards.) Oracle decks typically lean towards all positive or inspirational meanings, and they usually come with a comprehensive guidebook that you can read about each card. Both are amazing – but in this program, we’ll be focusing on Tarot.

Q. Does this program apply to beginning and advanced business owners?

First, a Tarot deck has 156 different meanings to it (because each of the 78 cards has an upwards meaning and a reversal meaning). Definitely! No matter where you are in your business, you’ll encounter elements of self-sabotage, second guessing, struggles to make decisions, and disappointment. This program teaches you how to use the Archetypes of the Tarot to make all of those emotions easier to manage and much faster to move through.

Q. Is this all spiritual? Or will there be business strategy, too?

While I won’t be going into specific marketing or sales strategies in this program, I’ve specifically picked Archetypes that share powerful business strategies that every entrepreneur needs to to learn.

Are You Ready to Make Your Business Decisions & Actions Flow From a Place of Peace & Joy Using the Wisdom of the Tarot?

Sign me up for
Grow Your Business Peacefully
& Profitably with Tarot

All classes are recorded and available if you cannot make the classes live.


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If you’re ready to connect more deeply with your intuition…

If you’re ready to make those pesky decisions so much easier…

And if you’re ready to stop feeling lonely…

I can’t wait to begin this Tarot journey with you!


monica signature

I used to think I couldn’t make any more money. I would take action…but then I kept stopping. Today, thanks to my work with Monica, I have a 6-figure company that is growing! My new confidence, along with Monica’s systems, processes and mindset have made me a great entrepreneur who enjoys and loves her life.

Cherish De la Cruz


I knew what I wanted to do – but had no idea how to start or how to make it sustainable. Monica took a stand for me…and called out my indecision. With firmness and kindness, she got to the root of my indecision, which was all about fear and resistance. She led me to finally decide my target market and launch my business – and now my business idea is a money-making reality.

Tracey Lukes

Coach for Parents and Teens

When I first came to Monica, I was motivated but felt lost. I felt like I’d made too many mistakes to ever listen to or trust myself again. I was on pretty shaky ground. Thanks to Monica, I started to believe again. My greatest takeaway has been RESILIENCE. I bounce back faster. I don’t take losses personally and I accept help. I also recognize and celebrate successes (something I never did before). My dream is actually coming true and I’m making money attracting clients I love.

Julia Katsivo

Successful & Smart Business Coaching

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