The Essential Ingredient to Business Breakthroughs – Big Bold Action

I see it everyday with my platinum and revenue breakthrough program clients – the more actions they take – even the ones that scare them – the bigger and more successful their businesses become.

The essential ingredient to creating Breakthroughs in your business year after year is to execute smart actions as rapidly as possible.

Notice I said not just any action, but smart actions. Smart actions are ones that hit that sweet spot – they are revenue generating and create an impact.

They are big, bold actions – often the ones that are the most terrifying, confusing and can appear overwhelming (especially the first time through). Keep in mind that what is terrifying for a newbie is different from what is terrifying for an advanced business owner – but the emotions are still the same.

These can look like:
• Hosting your first teleseminar
• Hosting a telesummit
• Doing your first Joint Venture
• Doing your first sales session
• Walking into a networking group where you know no one
• Doing a live workshop
• And the list could go on and on….

Take a minute and write down the answer to this question.

What is the big bold action that you have been avoiding?

Many of you are avoiding moving forward in a big way because you either aren’t taking big bold actions or you aren’t doing them fast enough. You spend weeks on the period between having the idea and actually implementing it.

I built my business on executing big bold actions quickly. I attribute my success to creating a smart plan and sticking to it – even when I was scared. I do this well not because I have super-human powers, but because I have the systems and structures set up to help me play big and walk straight into my fears.

Here are three steps to help you set those structures up in your own life. Now go take those big, bold actions!

1. Let Life Happen and Deal with it in a New Way. The moment you set yourself up for a big bold business action, life will happen. The car will break down. Your mom will get sick. You’ll decide to break up with your partner. These are like universal tests – are you really committed to your actions?

I’m not surprised anymore when “life happens”. It’s all part of the game. The challenge we all have as entrepreneurs is sticking to the plan no matter what life throws us. Sometimes you’ll need to adapt the plan depending on the level of “life emergency”, but most of the time you’ve just got to stick to the plan.

I see way too many entrepreneurs taking themselves out of the game for every little “life happens” incidence that comes up.

The trick is finding a new way to handle life while you are playing big in your business. Car breakdown – Find a college student to take the car in for you. Mom Sick – Ask your sister to help with your mom during the hours of 10-5. Recent Break up – Find a coach to help you deal with the emotions of your breakup.

If you handle your personal life the same way you’ve always handled it in the past, chances are that you’ll never make quantum leaps in your business or your life.

2. Collaborate with the Right Business Mentor. I’ve had the support of business coaches for most of the time I’ve been in business. My business coach helps me determine what the smartest actions are and when I should be executing them. She also helps pick me up when the actions don’t work.

Notice I said the right business mentor. This only works if you trust your mentor and are willing to do whatever she says – even if it means facing major fears.

The coaching relationship doesn’t work unless you trust the process and yourself and follow your coach. Otherwise, you’ll pick and choose the actions that you do. You’ll do the ones you like, the ones that are most comfortable. And you’ll skip the big bold actions that cause you to grow the most.

If you don’t trust your coach and follow her plan – then you might as well have hired an accountability partner. Great business coaches do so much more than keep you accountable. They hold your dreams for you and help push you in that direction – even when you don’t really want to go.

3. Get Support in Life and in Business. You can’t make big, bold actions alone. Make sure you have an assistant to help you with the details.

In life, make sure you have a partner, friends, and family that know what you are up to. Even just one person is enough – but you’ll need someone’s shoulder to lean on. And you’ll also need someone to celebrate with!

4. Channel your fear into action. The bigger you play, the more likely you’ll get scared, overwhelmed and paralyzed at certain moments. Happens to the best of us. The trick is to channel that energy into action.

Worried that no one is joining your program? Pick up the phone and call more people. Scared that money is dwindling? Get out there and find more leads.

In times of fear ask yourself: What action can I take in this moment that will contribute to my goal?

The faster you can move from fear to action – the easier and more fun this game of business becomes.

Here’s to you making big, bold actions!

Leave me a comment and let me know what you have in place to support your big, bold actions.

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