20% Of Your Efforts Are Bringing In 80% Of Your Clients

In service of YOU, my fellow entrepreneurial community, I thought I’d share some helpful advice that I seem to be giving over and over these days: 

1. No matter what is going on in the world, your business still matters. You ARE doing enough. You ARE making change. And every client success, successful social media post, or video created IS making a difference. 

2. The futile inner critic is causing havoc with so many people. If you feel yourself saying, am I doing enough? Does this really matter? My response to you is YES. YES. YES. Hear me, even if you can’t hear yourself. And don’t be afraid to stand up and tell that inner critic to go where the light don’t shine!

3. Focus on one thing this week and make it count. You don’t need to be working on 17 projects. Just ONE. Remember that 20% of your efforts will bring in 80% of your clients. Look at what worked last year. If needed, create a spreadsheet with all of your client names. Then write down the first place they found out about you (not the sixth). Then ask yourself – how can I magnify what is already working? Not recreate the wheel. Not do a BRAND new program. But simplify. Magnify. And allow yourself to take that extra time and REST, goshdarnit!

4. Your business doesn’t become something you love on its own. You build it that way INTENTIONALLY. So ask yourself – what am I doing in my week that I hate?

      • Still scheduling clients at 6:00 PM or 8:00 AM? Stop.
      • Still throwing yourself into your work with important meetings on Monday morning? Give yourself some open time on Mondays instead.
      • Still forcing yourself to do clients or networking meetings all over your calendar and giving yourself no free time to work? Plan in blocks of time to get your own work done and move the meetings to a time that works for you.
      • Still working on the weekends and hate it? Then free up Fridays to take care of the weekly backlog.

How can you devise a business that you love? That feels like a warm cozy blanket instead of a burden. Start now, that’s how 🙂

Sending you so much love. And if you could use some extra help this year getting that momentum rolling or getting that business to a point where it supports you and feels like a warm, fuzzy blanket…. 

Then please reach out to support@revenuebreakthrough.com and you and I will jump on a call and see what we can create together. 

Here’s to you knowing that you can do so much more than you realize and that it can feel so much more joyful than you know, 


PS: To explore more topics on increasing your income and reclaiming your time, get your free Money Making Marketing Calendar here: https://revenuebreakthrough.com/start-here and then visit our blog for more ways to build a business that pays for a life you love. For more on this topic and so many more – jump into our FB Group!

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