A holiday note from Monica

Happy Holidays!

I can’t say that 2017 went by fast for me. It was slow, rich and full of learning experiences. It felt like I was alternating between walking through molasses and riding through the woods on a stallion! 

I got married this year in Jamaica. I put on the Master Your Money and the Money Flow conferences. I did a 14-day raw detox in California (yes, salads for every meal). I put on more than 14 smaller events. I published my new book: Pause: 52 Questions that Lead to More Money and Time. We launched a new web site.

The list could go on and on. I don’t write this to make you feel tired, or jealous, or overwhelmed. 

I write this because I know that you could write a list too. Of all that you’ve accomplished this year personally and professionally. But sometimes we’re too busy to sit down and celebrate it. 

I invite you to celebrate you! To sit down and write that list of who you were in January and who you are now. Of all that you’ve celebrated, let go of, recovered from and created.

You are POWERFUL. 

And now is an amazing time to remember it. 

Look at every month from January – December. 

What happened that you are in love with?

How have you changed and grown?

Take the time to celebrate you – because on some days nothing is harder than being an entrepreneur. 

And it’s time to pat yourself on the back.

For your resilience.

For your patience.

For your impact.

For YOU.

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