Three Tips to More Fruitful Networking


It’s one of the first activities on every entrepreneur’s list when starting a new business or trying to push through a slump by forging new connections. And it makes sense. 

Networking is fun. You get to meet new people, and finding networking events usually doesn’t involve rejection or significant effort. 

But here’s the problem with networking: it’s actually not the best activity to secure new clients. It’s not that I’m against networking – but in order to benefit from networking, you have to be strategic about how you incorporate it into your marketing plan.

Let’s break it down into my three main teachings about networking.

Number one: I believe that you should participate in no more than one networking event per week, whether that means virtually or in person. 

Number two: if you’re going to go to a networking event, make sure to schedule time not only for the event itself, but also time after the event to follow up on the connections that you made.

Far too many of the entrepreneurs I speak to are going to networking events, but not actually doing any of the follow-up afterwards. 

Number three: understand that there are three main types of people you’ll meet at a networking event – let’s break them down into Groups A, B, and C for simplicity.

Group A people are referral partners – people who could potentially refer clients to you or your business.

Group B comprises speaking event leads – the people at the event who could help you find speaking opportunities.

Maybe they’ve done lots of speaking events before and can give you advice on how to find and crush those opportunities, or maybe they’re connected with a group that needs speakers like yourself.

Finally, Group C people offer general opportunities that maybe don’t quite fit into A or B. Maybe you find someone with a group or venue where you could host a workshop, or someone who has access to a resource that you need.

Perhaps you’re looking for a new virtual assistant or someone to run your Facebook ads – you could meet that person at a networking event.

The key here is that all of these people provide opportunities for you to create and find things with other people. But notice that none of these groups are people who will become your clients.

And that’s because, for the most part, networking events aren’t great for that. If you’re looking to get clients, you’re going to have to supplement your networking with other marketing activities.

One of the main marketing activities that I recommend is speaking events, because they allow you to share your wisdom, build knowledge and confidence, and generate sales conversations that often lead to new clients – I’ll talk more about that in a future newsletter.

But for now, I invite you to take a look at your calendar for this week and see how you can incorporate my three networking tips: cut back to one networking event per week, make sure you schedule time after the event for follow-ups, and remember to go into the event looking for referral partners, speaking leads, and other opportunities to grow your business.

Try your best not to feel disappointed if you don’t walk out of the event with three new clients. 

And if you want more support with any of this – I want to encourage you to check out our virtual Big Comeback Event (use promo code save300) and come make your 14-step Revenue Breakthrough Certified Plan for 2022.

Remember: every connection you make could lead to more connections – but you have to be strategic about it.

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