A Simple Ceremony for Entrepreneurs

This week, as June’s full moon – the strawberry moon – approaches with the beginning of summer, I want to talk about the power of ceremony to help us as entrepreneurs. 

I grew up doing rituals and ceremonies in my Hindu household as part of my family’s religion. We did a ceremony when we bought a new car. We did a ceremony before major tests. We did a ceremony before each of my sisters and I went off to college. 

One of the reasons I think ceremony and ritual are so important is because they help to embody your desires – which speeds up their manifestation process big time! They also help to release old traumas and wounds that we may not even be aware of, but that are blocking our success.

Ceremony and ritual also create a level of clarity that goes way beyond what our minds can process alone. 

In fact, I have found that doing ceremonies and rituals is one of the best ways to manifest more success in my own business. I’ve used them over and over again to help my clients create success beyond what they thought was possible. 

When you tap into the universal force, your power of creation is multiplied tenfold. 

This week, I invite you to try adding some ceremony into your own life. I’m going to share with you a simple ceremony that I especially like to perform when the moon is full – which it will be this Friday night (June 21). 

Step 1: Grab a pen and a piece of paper, and write down all of the behaviors that you want to release around your business. 

Step 2: Rip up that piece of paper into little tiny pieces and put the pieces into a bowl. 

Step 3: Burn the paper with fire or drown the paper in water. You might find it easier to drown the paper if you’re in a building with a very sensitive smoke alarm. 

Step 4: As you are burning or drowning the paper, repeat to yourself, “I release, I release, I release.”

Step 5: Once the paper has been burned or drowned, take a deep breath. Feel in your body the way it feels to really let those behaviors go. 

Step 6: Get a new piece of paper and write down a new behavior that you want to adopt this week. Embellish that piece of paper with symbols, images, and colors that make you feel good – however that looks to you. 

Step 7: Put that new piece of paper on your refrigerator, and say the new behavior out loud at least once a day when you walk by the fridge.

Step 8: Notice how much easier it is to step into this new behavior when you’ve allowed your body, heart, and soul to participate in ceremony! 

If you’d like some material support in consistently manifesting more clients, I invite you to join us at my Get More Clients Intensive.

It’s an intimate two-day virtual intensive with a group of 8-12 entrepreneurs. We’ll work together to hone your personalized positioning, messaging & marketing framework – you can check out the details here.

Happy strawberry moon, happy summer solstice, and happy selling!

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