A Simple Process to Make the Next 90 days Amazing

Ok, so with the start of the LAST quarter of 2020 — I figured the best thing to do is help you make the best of the next 90 days and ensure this quarter ROCKS!

The best way to do that — planning of course (that’s my middle name!).

Now just in case you haven’t heard yet — I’ve designed my very own planner — it’s called The Breakthrough Planner — and it’s been selling like hot cakes!

This planner is the product of over 15 years and thousands of hours of coaching entrepreneurs in every industry from coaching and consulting to doctors, lawyers, retail and technology. It puts together all the secrets that entrepreneurs need to know to be focused, stay consistent and build wealth – while enjoying their lives.

You can grab your planner here — just in time to make these last 90 days of the year amazing!

And don’t worry — it comes with a whole how-to section, plus an amazing training video!

One of the best things I teach in the planner is how to create your 90-day goals.

I suggest you focus on 3 goals every 90 days.

Now’s a great time to come up with your 3 goals.

Planning Your 90-Day Goals

If you’re looking to create a revenue breakthrough in the next 90 days, here’s what I suggest. Your first goal should be a revenue goal – the amount of money you want to generate in the next 90 days, e.g, I want to generate $20,000 by X date.

Your second and third goal could be what I call “project goals.” For example, updating your website, launching a new product, hiring a new assistant, writing a book. Or a personal project goal like releasing 20 pounds, running a 10-minute mile, or learning a new language.

Don’t be afraid to write out the goals, live with them for a bit and come back to change them (that’s why I use erasable pens).

Next you’ll write why this goal is important to you.

It’s critical to understand your why – this serves as motivation to keep going when problems arise. Knowing exactly what this goal will create for you or how it will enable you to contribute to the world allows you to do uncomfortable actions, because you are clear about why you are doing them.

Here’s a preview of what these pages look like in my Breakthrough Planner, in case you want to see what this looks like visually:

90 days

Here’s to breakthrough planning and making the next 90 days amazing!

Much love,


PS: Get your Breakthrough Planner here.

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