Why the Best Year Yet Bootcamp Rocked!
This week I wanted to give you insight into my learnings from last week’s event. It was simply amazing!
This is my fifth year of doing events. And Best Year Yet Bootcamp was my 7th one. Here’s what made it so good:
1. First, practice really does help.
I remember when I first got on stage in 2012. I was scared. It was uncomfortable. And it felt like the room was so far away. I was disconnected.
Flash forward to last week. I could feel almost every person in the room. I could read their questions, tell when they were bored and be able to shift content in the moment.
What made the difference?
Lots and lots of practice. Choosing great mentors to guide me along the way. And working on my inner fears and mindset so that I could release the panic and create space to actually let the audience in.
2. You must do your inner work.
This year was not the easiest year for me. I challenged myself to choose more. To step into a bigger and better lifestyle for myself. To build a bigger team. To set a better example for my clients. But in order to do that – I’ve gone through successes and failures! It’s been a wild learning experience.
In order to keep going, I did a LOT of inner work. I worked on creating new beliefs and making sure I cleaned out the ones that weren’t working for me anymore.
I started meditating daily. I worked out at least 5 days a week. I started doing Kundalini yoga. I worked with a Theta healer. I did my inner work.
And it worked – on stage at this event – I was more confident than I’ve ever been, and more fearless than ever.
3. Try new things and take risks.
I launched a new program. I partnered with new people. I asked for help in new ways.
These new steps created a new sense of freedom and support for me. And it led me to let go of what wasn’t working in my business and create more of what does work.
Take a moment this week and ask yourself, where am I practicing? Where am I doing my inner work? Where am I trying new things?
And then do more of it!