Managing Disappointment: Your New Superpower disappointed

Managing Disappointment: Your New Superpower

So many of the entrepreneurial women who come to me have told me that they get to the end of the month – especially the month of September – and find themselves full of disappointment. Maybe the launch they tried didn’t get much traction, or their 10-person group program only.


celebrate celebrating

Why You Should Stop and Celebrate

Are you taking the time to stop and celebrate? Sometimes, as the weather gets cooler and we get busier and busier, we can get caught up in this feeling of always wanting more. It’s that feeling of getting to the end of the day and feeling like you could have.


business management

Stop Beating Yourself Up, and Start Following Your Numbers

I just got off of a call with one of my newer clients, and she just kept saying things like, “Monica, I’m not doing enough. I’m not good at business. I’m not disciplined. I’m not focused.” And finally, I stopped her and said, “You’re being really hard on yourself –.


To-Do List

Six Tips to a Better To-Do List

I hope that your Labor Day weekend was amazing and that you got plenty of rest! Now, typically, after a long weekend, you come back to a massive monster of a to-do list. It can cause anxiety and overwhelm, and all of that beautiful rest from your vacation starts to.


End of Summer blues

How to Fight the End of Summer Blues

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that it’s August 31! So many of us, especially entrepreneurs, start feeling end-of-summer blues around this point in the year.  You start to worry about the fall and all the craziness of what’s ahead, and perhaps you feel like you didn’t take full advantage.



Finding Your Personal Thrive Formula

One of the most interesting and resonant concepts that I’ve learned about lately is that, as humans, our brains – especially our lizard brains and our subconscious minds – are programmed to survive, not to thrive. We live in a mindset of always needing to run away from the next.


3 pages examples from savvy speaker checklist

The Savvy Speaker's Checklist

Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.

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client jumpstart logo

How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.

I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...

Monica Shah
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