The Healthy Way to Build Your Website
I remember building my very first website for my very first company. I spent hours agonizing over every detail – every word, every color, every font, the logo. It took me months to finish it. And it left me exhausted. But what was interesting was that, during that time, my.
READ MOREInviting Friends Who Grow With You—and Letting Go of Those Who Don’t
This week, one of my clients came to me and said, “Monica, I’ve been taking my business seriously for 14 months now. And I love it, but I’ve noticed that I’m not as close to my friends anymore, and it’s scaring me.” She told me she was starting to feel.
READ MOREGetting Your Partner/Family on Board With That Business Program
Is everyone on board with your business? I just finished teaching one of my Revenue Breakthrough Intensive workshops. One woman made a comment that always comes up at these workshops. She said, “Monica, I just get so frustrated because when I talk to my husband about joining a coaching program.
READ MOREHow to Relax Without Guilt Over A Holiday
A holiday weekend is coming up here in the US, and I don’t know about you, but I am so excited to enjoy the summer. I’m excited to spend time with friends and family and enjoy lots of hugs. I think we’re all in a deficit of hugs and time.
READ MOREThe Roots of Your Money Issues (And How to Resolve Them)
I’m so excited because, two weeks from today – July 8th, I am leading our Women & Money event! I think this event is so important because there are so many unique and under-discussed aspects of being a woman, generating money, money issues, and being an entrepreneur. It’s an unparalleled.
READ MOREThree Unique Ways that Women Entrepreneurs Exhaust Themselves (and how to resolve them)
Are you exhausted? If you’re like most of my female clients, you are—and that exhaustion is not just physical. Most of the women who come to me are mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally exhausted. In order to start to recover from that exhaustion, I think it’s really important that we understand.