Monica live streaming in her office

The 4 C’s of Sponsorships — The Secret to Winning More Clients

Today I want to write about one of the best sales training methods out there, and a great way to increase revenue — the 4 C’s of sponsorships. Because, my mission is to change the money conversation for women on the planet, so that we can make decisions from our.


sales training from Monica

From Compliments to Clients: How to move people from saying “I love your work” to “I want to work with you”

Today’s Make More Money quandary is how to move from compliments to clients; how do you get potential clients to go from saying “I love your work,” and “I respect what you do,” to “I really want to buy from you”? This is a key piece of sales training that.


Monica live streaming in her office


Nearly every entrepreneur I talk to has spoken to the feeling of overwhelm at one time or another. Overwhelm looks like this: you wake up feeling like there is just too much to do. Your to-do list stretches far past the hours in the day. Maybe you need to do.



The Stories That We Tell

The other day one of my best friends, Ashley, called. She hadn’t called in months. The first question she asked was some advice for one of her daughters. I answered the question immediately, as I adore her kids — but I got off the phone feeling upset and uneasy about.


Part 5: Women and Money: What Will Happen if I Get Successful?

So here it is — the last article in a series about women entrepreneurs and money — one that I’ve so enjoyed writing! For the whole series see the links below: Part 1: The Mess We’re In With Money: Why We Struggle To Keep The Money We MakePart 2: Women.


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Part 4: Women and Money: The Myth of the Superwoman and Money

I’ve so been enjoying writing this series on Women Entrepreneurs and Money — just in case you missed parts 1-3 — you can check them out here: Part 1: The Mess We’re In With Money: Why We Struggle To Keep The Money We MakePart 2: Women and Money: The Prince.


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The Savvy Speaker's Checklist

Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.

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How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.

I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...

Monica Shah
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