wonder woman dolls

Part 3: Women and Money: The Woman’s Role

I’m thrilled to be writing a series on women entrepreneurs and money — because I’m committed to putting more money in women’s hands. I’m pretty certain the world will look like a much better place when we do. In case you missed the previous parts — you can grab them.


happy frog nestled in a pink rose

Part 2: Women and Money: The Prince Syndrome

In case you missed last week’s article on keeping more money — you can check it out here: As I prepare for the Master Your Money Event, I’ve got money on my mind! I’ve been writing a series on the underlying things that are keeping women entrepreneurs from goal setting.


why we struggle with money

Part 1: The Mess We’re In With Money: Why We Struggle To Keep The Money We Make

In honor of my upcoming Master Your Money Event (May 16-18th in Atlanta) — I thought I’d write a series on money. The need for money is unavoidable in business — to fund all of our dreams, hopes and ambitions. To help us live a beautiful life, while we hustle to grow our missions..


What is the most effective way to learn about business

Part 5: The Art Of Business Coaching: What Is The Most Effective Way To Learn About Business?

I’ve been in the coaching industry full-time for more than 14 years — and I think it’s so important to have an education about what coaching is and how best to work with a coach. This is the 5th and final piece about business coaching — and it’s an important.


Why having a coach or mentor is so important

Part 4: Why Having a Professional Business Coach or Mentor is So Important: Letting Go Of The Stories in Your Head

Hey there! I’ve been really enjoying the comments I’ve been receiving about this series of articles on the world of business coaching. I’m so glad it’s been helpful and clarifying to you! In case you missed the first 3 parts — you can grab them here: Part 1: What is.


5 actions that have made my clients successful

Part 3: The Top Five Actions that Have Made My Clients Successful

It’s my 14th year of being a full-time coach! OY! That makes me old. But it also makes me wise (if I do say so myself!). And in honor of this glorious year I am writing a series of articles to take the confusion out of business coaching. If you.


3 pages examples from savvy speaker checklist

The Savvy Speaker's Checklist

Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.

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client jumpstart logo

How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.

I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...

Monica Shah
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