How to Get More Done – Three Steps for More Productivity and More Money

Have you ever thought, “man I wish that I could just get more done?”  If you’re like most of the other entrepreneurs I work with, then I’m sure the answer is yes.  We could all use an extra two hours in every day. But what I’ve noticed is that the.


70+ GIFTS to ROCK your revenue!

Rock Your Revenue Giveaway    Sept 28 – Oct 19, 2015 Income. Proceeds. Earnings. Revenue. Without it, we’re not in business. That’s why I LOVE this event — because there are 70+ FREE gifts awaiting you that ALL help you get more of it! The Rock Your Revenue Giveaway is OPEN!.


Isolation is the Enemy of Wealth

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times.    Yet, over and over again I see entrepreneurs staying at home alone and trying to grow their businesses, without mentorship and community.   It’s the number one thing I noticed at the Breakthrough Business Bootcamp – people really connecting with.


You just can’t skip steps! The Exact Order In Which To Build Your Service Business

Can I tell you what breaks my heart?  The number of women who are beginning business owners (with no list and very little client experience) who call me and tell me, “I just want to launch products and do large group programs today. In fact I have a product and.


How do you get it all done?

Every time I teach a program – one question I always get asked is: “Monica, how do I get more done?” As entrepreneurs we struggle constantly with having more on our to-do list then we can ever possibly get done. And here’s the prevailing myth out there. You think that.


Business is a Language That Every Entrepreneur Needs To Learn

Recently I was reading an article in Entrepreneur magazine about a very successful businessman who bought a franchise for a restaurant.  He managed it for 2 years and couldn’t turn a profit.  Finally, he put himself through the franchise training and realized that he didn’t know the first thing about.


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The Savvy Speaker's Checklist

Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.

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How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.

I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...

Monica Shah
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