Do You Hate Social Media?
“I hate social media.” I’ve heard this comment over and over and over again from entrepreneurs, especially entrepreneurial women. I think the reason we hate social media is because we feel the need to look perfect on Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn or whatever channels we’re using. And I think.
READ MOREThe Misconception That’s Keeping You From Finding Your Ideal Clients
When I started my first business back in the day – almost 16 years ago now – I would walk around the streets of New York thinking to myself that maybe if I could just find the right networking group or the right business event, I would find all of.
READ MOREThe Magical Art Of Releasing Perfectionism
Do you struggle with releasing perfectionism? Does it stop you in your tracks from getting anything done? So when I’m in a place in my schedule when I have a LOT going on – whether it’s a run-up to a launch, or a 3-Day event, or finishing a book –.
READ MOREWhy You’re Spending Too Long on Your Work
Are you spending too long on your work? In 15 minutes you can change your world. This past Saturday, I taught one of our Flow Method Days. I love watching people have huge revelations about how much work they can get done when they know how to recognize resistance and.
READ MOREThe Visibility Struggle: Being Seen Means Seeing Yourself
Short-form videos, speaking gigs, workshops, live streams, etc. are great ways to gain visibility. But the problem with these is that you have to be willing to actually look at yourself – which can be so hard. Just yesterday I was looking at photos of myself from The Big Comeback.
READ MOREHow to Succeed Without Struggle (Spoiler Alert: You Can’t)
How to succeed without struggle, overwhelm, or upset: Ummmm… actually, I don’t know how that works. And I must call bull… Honestly, in my experience, doing business is uncomfortable because every step is unfamiliar the first time you do it (and maybe the 18th time too). Your nervous system’s response.