A Tribute to My Mom

My mom passed away on Friday.  It was a shock.  She had been sick for a while, but no one expected her to go so soon.  I spoke at her funeral.  As I reflected about all the amazing qualities of my mom, I was reminded of all the lessons she.


What to do When Life Calls

I’m still riding the high from Money 2.0 2013.  Honestly, it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my life.   It was such a high.  And then I came home to a low. On the second morning of the event I spoke about how we experience two.


How to Inspire Success Every Single Day

Have you ever noticed the phenomenon that when someone else is complaining about something, that it just feels darn good to pipe in?  And before you know it, you’ve spent the full hour commiserating and complaining.  And while in the short term, it feels amazing, in the long-term you just.


The Final Two Minutes – How to Play Full Out in Your Business

I love watching the final minutes of basketball and football games.  There’s something amazing about how athletes always play full out until the very end.  It doesn’t matter whether they are winning or losing – they play until the buzzer rings. This concept of the “final two minutes” is so.


Two Secrets to Filling Your Next Workshop

Here’s the scenario – you book a workshop at a local community center for four weeks from now.  You rush home – call your mom in excitement – and then immediately begin working on your workshop content.  You invite a few friends and send an e-mail out to your list. .


Flying Can Lead To More Clients

Here’s a question I’ve been getting lately: “Monica, how do I find my ideal clients?  They aren’t at the networking events in my city.” Some of you also ask me, “I don’t live anywhere near networking events.  How do I find my clients? ” Are you struggling with this problem? .


3 pages examples from savvy speaker checklist

The Savvy Speaker's Checklist

Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.

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How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.

I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...

Monica Shah
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