Confidence is Earned, Not Learned – 3 Steps to Confident Marketing, Selling and Performing

I was conducting a  session last week with a new Revenue Breakthrough Mastery Participant and we were reviewing what to say in an initial session with a potential client.  After I gave her an example script, she said to me, “Monica, I think that sounds great, but I would never.


Why does it all seem so hard sometimes? – 3 Steps to End the STRUGGLE

I often get the same question from my clients:  Monica, why does running this business seem so hard? Are there days when everything just feels like a struggle?  You are doing dozens of free sessions and you’ve only signed one client.  Or you’ve gone to countless networking meetings and only.


Money Loves Attention – 2 Strategies to Stop Worrying About Money and Start Attracting It.

Are you worried about money?  Perhaps there is always that nagging little voice in your head, always wondering “is there enough?”  Or perhaps you are tossing and turning at night because of it.  Or maybe you are delightfully unaware of what is going in your bank account because you are.


4 Strategies to Create Raving Clients and TONS of Referrals

I took my mom to the Apple Store on Saturday to buy her first Mac.  And it was an eye-opening experience.   The Apple Store Employee spent nearly two hours with us, setting everything up, answering questions and then facilitating the transfer process from her old computer to her new one..


My Three Ways to Make “Fast” Cash In Your Business

We’ve all been there – that point where you need to create some instant cash flow.   Perhaps you’ve got a car issue that needs to be fixed.  Or you want to sign up for a really cool training program (ahem, hint, hint).  Or maybe you just need a little extra.


Putting More Cash In Your Pockets

How do you put more cash in your pockets?  Focus on those activities that generate revenue. What is a revenue-generating activity?  For most of us, that would include any activity that involves finding and signing new clients.  Unfortunately, things like calling leads, setting up workshops, and following up – can.


3 pages examples from savvy speaker checklist

The Savvy Speaker's Checklist

Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.

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How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.

I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...

Monica Shah
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