Putting More Cash In Your Pockets
How do you put more cash in your pockets? Focus on those activities that generate revenue. What is a revenue-generating activity? For most of us, that would include any activity that involves finding and signing new clients. Unfortunately, things like calling leads, setting up workshops, and following up – can.
READ MOREWant to write a book in a weekend?
I’m in the midst of my planning and project week. I spend these days working on all the marketing materials for my upcoming events as well as finishing up major projects.This allows me to spend client weeks with clients and not feel over-stressed. And one of those projects is finishing my.
READ MORERecession Proof Businesses – The Top 5 Vital Qualities For Owners Of Recession Proof Businesses
As a business owner, business consultant, and business professor, I have been asked numerous times for the secrets of recession proof businesses. Recession proof businesses that I work with all seem to have one thing in common: recession proof business owners. Here are the top 10 vital qualities of recession.