With our Big Comeback Event – where we’ll be coming together to create a 14-step Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan for your business – just weeks away, I’ve been thinking a lot about what holds my clients back from following through on their plans. And I can’t help...
Feeling socially awkward as we work through post-pandemic stress? My husband and I just got a new kitten. Her name is Luna, for the goddess of magic and the moon. You’ll have to pardon the fact that this is the second newsletter in a row where I’ve written about her,...
What makes your heart blossom? Are you waiting for success? A few weeks ago, my husband and I adopted a new black-and-white kitten. She’s beautiful and rambunctious and never stops moving. When she leaps, she can fly through the air, literally from the ground to your...
Can you learn to say no? I’ve always been an overachiever – the kind of person who took meticulous notes at school. The one who always studied extra to make sure I knew everything that might be on the test. The person who never took No for an answer. And while that...
So many of us feel like we have to do everything – and do it by ourselves – especially after the pressure of this past year. On a call just last week, my client Ruma told me, “I just feel like I can’t do it all. I’ve got my youngest child’s birthday party. My second...
Entrepreneurs often ask me, “Monica, when I’m making a decision in my business or facing disappointment, how do I call on my intuition or higher self to figure out how to proceed?” And it’s a tough question for me to answer because there are so many ways to start to...
Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.
How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.
I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...