Last week, at an event, I met a woman named Caroline. We started talking, and she told me that she had started her business four months ago. She was starting to worry because she was quickly burning through the money she’d set aside to get her business off the ground...
I remember building my very first website for my very first company. I spent hours agonizing over every detail – every word, every color, every font, the logo. It took me months to finish it. And it left me exhausted. But what was interesting was that, during that...
This week, one of my clients came to me and said, “Monica, I’ve been taking my business seriously for 14 months now. And I love it, but I’ve noticed that I’m not as close to my friends anymore, and it’s scaring me.” She told me she was starting to feel like she just...
Is everyone on board with your business? I just finished teaching one of my Revenue Breakthrough Intensive workshops. One woman made a comment that always comes up at these workshops. She said, “Monica, I just get so frustrated because when I talk to my husband about...
A holiday weekend is coming up here in the US, and I don’t know about you, but I am so excited to enjoy the summer. I’m excited to spend time with friends and family and enjoy lots of hugs. I think we’re all in a deficit of hugs and time with loved ones. ...
I’m so excited because, two weeks from today – July 8th, I am leading our Women & Money event! I think this event is so important because there are so many unique and under-discussed aspects of being a woman, generating money, money issues, and being an...
Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.
How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.
I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...