Every time I teach a program – one question I always get asked is: “Monica, how do I get more done?” As entrepreneurs we struggle constantly with having more on our to-do list then we can ever possibly get done. And here’s the prevailing myth out there. You think that...
In this week’s video, I’m showing you how I stay inspired and motivated, no matter what is going on. You’ll hear a story about a recent argument between my partner and I and how we used one piece of paper to solve it! And how that piece of paper has helped me make...
“Monica, I feel totally out of integrity. I missed a deadline. Or I didn’t send that one thing.” If I had a coin for every time one of my clients said this to me… Is being in integrity something you struggle with sometimes too? Good. Then you are officially human....
As I sat down to write my newsletter today – I went through that all-consuming “I don’t want to do this now feeling”. Do you ever get that when you sit down to write or do a task in your business? Those “I just want to go play in the park” feelings don’t happen all...
So you sit down and start to work. You have to write your newsletter. You’ve got to write two promotional e-mails. You need re-work your calendar for the week. You have a few clients to reach out to and some follow up with current clients. You’ve even got it...
Taking time off. Those three words just might be the most confusing words in the entrepreneurial lingo. How do you actually do it? How do you turn your brain off? How do you rest when your business isn’t actually stopping? How do you explain it all to family and...