How do you get it all done?

Every time I teach a program – one question I always get asked is: “Monica, how do I get more done?” As entrepreneurs we struggle constantly with having more on our to-do list then we can ever possibly get done. And here’s the prevailing myth out there. You think that...

How To Motivate Yourself – Even on the Off Days

In this week’s video, I’m showing you how I stay inspired and motivated, no matter what is going on. You’ll hear a story about a recent argument between my partner and I and how we used one piece of paper to solve it!  And how that piece of paper has helped me make...

Getting it Together: Three Steps to Getting Organized

“Monica, I feel totally out of integrity.  I missed a deadline.  Or I didn’t send that one thing.”  If I had a coin for every time one of my clients said this to me… Is being in integrity something you struggle with sometimes too? Good. Then you are officially human....

Procrastination: Three Steps To Move Beyond It

So you sit down and start to work.  You have to write your newsletter.  You’ve got to write two promotional e-mails.  You need re-work your calendar for the week.  You have a few clients to reach out to and some follow up with current clients. You’ve even got it...