Ending Over-Work with the Warrior & the Goddess

Do you allow the warrior and the goddess to be your guides in your business?

One day a couple of months ago, I was putting my blocks back on the rack after a particularly grueling hot yoga class. 

I had been creating the content for my new offering, Grow Your Business Profitably and Peacefully with Tarot, and I was nervous.  It was one of the only times I had released a program that wasn’t solely business-related. 

As I rolled up my mat and wiped the sweat off my brow, I asked my spirit guides, “Will this work? Is this the right time?” 

They answered, “Yes, but just like anything else, this program in and of itself is not the sole answer to what you are looking for. And if you over-work and over-push like you did at the start of your other business, you’ll end up in the same place.”  

It was a good reminder. 

When I started Revenue Breakthrough, I led from my warrior (or masculine) side: pushing things forward even when I was tired, forgetting to feed myself and pay attention to my body, and not taking any excuses from myself.  

If I’m being totally honest, it worked well for me – I built a seven-figure company in three years. But it wasn’t so easy on my body and my health.  

Somewhere around 2017, I started realizing there was an easier path to moving through the constant risks, ups and downs, and stresses that the entrepreneurial path inevitably brings.  

That pathway started with listening to my intuition, my body, my guides, and my higher self more than I had ever done before. 

Engaging in spiritual rituals made that listening easier. I had been deeply spiritual my whole life – but now I really started bringing my goddess (or feminine) side to help lead my business alongside my warrior.  

I was astounded by how smart my body, guides, and intuition were. By trusting them, I was able to make even more money in my business while facing so much less pressure. Slowly, I began to release the need to control everything and look at the world in black and white, right and wrong.  

My clients started noticing, too. Renewals skyrocketed, as well as the numbers of new clients who wanted to know the secret sauce that was causing all this change behind the scenes. It wasn’t long before spiritual teachings were sneaking their way into all of my programs.  

It made me realize that business could come from a place of trust, surrender and flow, but that I had to truly LISTEN: listen to myself, listen to my guides, listen to the universe. 

I’m by no means perfect at this listening piece. I still work on it daily – but I do know it’s made a profound difference in my life. I amplify in silence.  

I’m sharing this story because so many of you have asked for an easier way to do business. Many of you have invested thousands of dollars in dozens of programs, hoping for that silver bullet. Maybe you’ve put in hundreds of hours thinking that if you just work hard now, it will be easier in the future – but you can’t help but wonder if that sacrifice is really worth it. 

After being in business for nearly 19 years now, here are two truths as I see them. 

One: being an entrepreneur is gorgeous in so many ways… 

It’s the pathway to time freedom, money freedom, people freedom, task freedom, and so much more. I firmly believe that it is the best way to traverse this lifetime and be able to enjoy life’s offerings.  

But by the very nature of it, your business will STRETCH you. It will CHALLENGE you. It will stoke your insecurities and fears, your triggers and your traumas – and there is no one tactic, strategy, or funnel that will take that away

Such is the ebb and flow of being an entrepreneur. The good news is that growth comes in bursts and waves, so you can rest in between. 

The person you will become will exceed all of your expectations. My entire family treats me differently than they did when I started my company. I think I’ve become a 100% better human being. I wrote about constant learning last week – my business has been the best personal growth course I could ever have taken.   

Here’s the second truth…   

The only pathway that has consistently made this journey easier for me is learning to LISTEN: taking the time to be in solitude and listen to myself, my guides, my ancestors, and the universe. 

They have helped me through the moments when I cried and the moments when I cheered. They help me answer the question of “Why?” when things don’t work out. They help me understand what my next project is when it all seems murky. They help me understand how to sit with sadness and how to find the light when I need it. 

My invitation to you this week is to get quiet. Spend 5 minutes with a notebook and ask the following questions to your higher authority (whether it be God, Goddess, your Higher Self, Spirit, Ancestors, the Universe, etc.):

What would you have me know? 

What would you have me do? 

And write it down.  

If you want to learn systematically how I do this daily, weekly, monthly, and how to hear your guides, check out my brand new program, SoulSpeak Business Collective.  

In this 90-day program, I have one main goal: to help you hear, trust, and connect with your own inner wisdom and your spiritual team (your outer wisdom) to make business easier and build abundance. 

The next time you experience disappointment or frustration, remember that you have tools to help you move through it faster and more peacefully. 

Check out SoulSpeak here – I hope you’ll come join us.

For more on this topic and so many more – jump into our FB Group!

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