From Compliments to Clients: How to move people from saying “I love your work” to “I want to work with you”

Today’s Make More Money quandary is how to move from compliments to clients; how do you get potential clients to go from saying “I love your work,” and “I respect what you do,” to “I really want to buy from you”? This is a key piece of sales training that you won’t want to miss!

What do you do to get this to happen? How can you turn compliments to clients?

I notice that there are so many entrepreneurs out there that, after a speaking engagement, have tons of people coming up and complimenting them and telling them how great they are and how much they love what they do, but not actually buying from them and not actually connecting with them for a sales conversation.

To fix this I have a three-part formula which I call the REI formula that I want to share with you:

R — Resonate: You create a heart to heart connection. The way you create resonance is by first telling stories. Stories help people relate to you, connect with you and what you do. What you have to do in order to resonate with your audience is be in tune with them. This means being more attached to connecting to the individuals in the room than you are to sticking to your content and reading your notes.

E— Educate: Educate them. Give them helpful tools and tips they can implement immediately.

I — Inspire: Inspire them. Give them inspirational stories and content that they can relate to and strive to achieve.

You have to be out there, in front of people doing these things. You need to get visible and be seen by your potential new clients.

Here are three great avenues to increase your visibility and get seen by more clients:

  1. Speaking: when you do a speaking event and effectively resonate, educate, and inspire, your audience will feel like they have gotten something from you. They are inspired. They’ll want more of you. They feel like they understand you, and that increases the likelihood that they are going to want to buy from you.
  2. Videos: a training video is also a great way to increase visibility. You also potentially reach a different audience than you do with a speaking engagement.
  3. Articles/blog posts: a blog post or article like this one (which you can also send to your list as a newsletter) is also another avenue that you can use to increase your visibility.

This is marketing for sure, and a way to be and stay visible. To connect with people so that they can learn what you have to offer.

When you are visible in more than one place it will have a snowball effect. Potential clients will be attracted to you more because they heard multiple times already. They saw you speak, and they read your article, or were also referred by a friend.

Then, when these potential new clients come to you for a sales conversation, it will be so much easier because they are already 20-30% sold by your REI.

This is the secret piece of sales training that will get people moving from that place of “I really like you,” to “I want to be a part of what you are creating and here is my credit card – sign me up!” and turning those compliments into clients!

So, go! Use this piece of sales training, get out there and become more visible with REI, make tons of money, and make this world a better place!

Join me in my Revenue Breakthrough group to watch the full video. You will also find a free gift to help you rock your revenue breakthrough, and tons more awesome stuff to help you create the business and life of your dreams!

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