Getting Ahead With Money Mondays

Whether you’ve got your weekly plans down to a science or find yourself racking up a backlog of tasks on your to-do list by the middle of each week – I’d like to share with you one of my favorite ways to make the whole process easier.

Every single week, turn your Monday into a Money Monday.

Money Mondays are about focusing on working ON your business instead of IN your business. Instead of doing fulfillment, you’re doing revenue-generating activities that will create business for your business.

This is the day of the week where you’re looking up events that you could speak at or podcasts you could speak on. You’re looking up sponsorships that you could have a table at. You’re reaching out to people who could be potential leads or partners for you.

You’re writing newsletters, creating videos, and doing marketing and networking that will actively set your business up for a better, more lucrative future.

When entrepreneurs come to me and say, “Monica, how can I make more money in the next 30 days?” nine times out of ten I tell them to have sales conversations with people.

But how are you going to get sales conversations with people? By putting yourself out there. I’m talking about marketing activities – speaking engagements, business events, videos, and email promotions.

In order to give yourself the chance to do all of those marketing activities, you have to plan ahead.

Too many entrepreneurs wait to do their marketing activities until their bank account is low or they realize there’s a client leaving this month whom they need to replace. 

Then, all of a sudden, they’re thinking to themselves, I need to get out there. I need to find something. I need to make money. And it’s difficult to do that last-minute.

But if you’ve been devoting every Monday to setting up your marketing activities for this month, for the next month, for the rest of the year, you’re going to be ahead of the game.

Every single month, you’ll have time in your schedule devoted to the networking events and sales conversations that will lead to more clients.

So my invitation to you this week is to start designating every Monday – or a different day of the week, if that works better for you (as long as it’s consistently the same day!) – as a Money Monday.

If you’re looking for more support around refining your weekly plans, I invite you to join us live at our next Breakthrough Planner Day on September 14

On Planner Days, we come together virtually to walk through how to make the most out of my Breakthrough Planner and plan our next 90 days.

Every 90-day plan is made up of weekly plans. Get a leg up by creating your own Money Mondays!

For more on this topic and so many more – jump into our FB Group!

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