How Do You Pick The Right Business Coach? The Six Questions You Must Ask

Happy New YearIf you’re like so many entrepreneurs I know, you are ready to really grow your business this year – and you’d prefer not to do it alone. So I thought I’d start the year off by giving you a list of six questions to consider as you go about choosing the right business coach for you. 

Let’s get right into it!

1. Do they listen to you? 

I suggest you speak with your potential coach or, at the very least, someone on their team. Pay close attention – does this person actually listen to what you want? Do they verbally reflect back to you what they are hearing from you, or do they try to override your desires with their methods? 

Also, do they listen patiently and answer your questions? Or does it seem like they are impatient or annoyed with you? 

When I or my coaches talk to a person, we make sure we listen and take notes on everything that she is saying and respect what she specifically wants in her business. And I often reflect back to her what I’m hearing and understanding. 

This is so important to making sure that you and your potential coach are on the same page and that she can provide what is most important for you. 

2. Is there a way to experience them through a virtual class or a live event? 

Is there a free or low-cost class or event that you could go to? This is a great way to get a sense of who this person is and what kind of teacher they are. 

I remember hosting a one-day event and noticing a lovely lady sitting in the front row. The entire time, she looked disinterested. Then at the end of the event, I checked in with her. 

She looked at me and said, “No, I love you. This information was basic for me since I’ve been in business for a number of years. But I’d like to hire you as my one-on-one business coach.” 

She went on to work with me privately for three years. We have been a great fit – and before we even met, she had taken the time to come to the event and make sure we would be a great fit.

3. What is their success record, experience, and mastery at coaching?

When I hired the business coach whom I worked with for seven years, we didn’t start off as friends. She challenged me in every way. And there were many days during those first two years when I was angry with her and thought for sure that she hated me. 

What made the difference for me was her intelligence and wisdom. She had experienced the problems that I was having, either for herself or with other clients. And she knew how to guide me out of them. She also had enough coaching experience to be able to change her tone and questions based on what I needed. 

She also coached from a place of abundance – she didn’t hold back or get threatened by my success, because she was creating her own. 

You want to look for a coach who has demonstrated the kind of success in her own business that you are looking to create in your own business. And not just for one year or one time – but for multiple years. Because sustaining success is much harder than creating it! 

You also want a masterful coach. Someone who changes her tone and way of coaching based on what you need. 

As a coach, I vary between working on deep healing levels with my clients when they feel stuck or disappointed, giving them solid strategic advice to help them move forward, and everything in between. 

These different discussions often happen on the same call. It’s because I’ve got years of experience in knowing what a client needs at a certain time. 

You want a coach who is both masterful at business and an excellent coach. Look for clear signs of both. 

4. Do you resonate with them? 

Resonance is all about frequency. It’s that feeling of jiving with someone. Agreeing with them, feeling like they are your energy and you are their energy. 

Now don’t get me wrong – this doesn’t mean that she will be your best friend or you hers. In fact, good business coaches often scare you a little bit – just enough to make you do the things that make you uncomfortable :). 

But even with that nervousness, you can feel that you share values – you may even want to ask your prospective coach what her top values are.

5. Do they challenge you? 

When I talk to potential clients, I often challenge parts of their existing business model that may not be working. Perhaps they need to change their target market, the title of a program, or the order in which they are building their business. As a business strategist, it is my job to use my experience and wisdom to help craft a business that works. 

This is such an important component of hiring a great business coach: finding someone who is courageous and wise enough to challenge you – not just in business strategy – but also in bringing out your best performance and mindset. I always hold in my mind my highest vision of my clients and challenge them to step into that version of themselves. 

Different coaches challenge their clients in different ways. You’ll find coaches who offer stronger, more militant types of challenge, softer, more subtle challenges, and everything in between. Choose the one that works for you, or choose a coach who has enough experience to challenge you in different ways based on what you need at the moment.

6. Do they offer the proportion of spiritual, mindset, and business strategy that you’re looking for?

This is an interesting one, but it is relevant in coaching today. Namely, because I’ve met too many people who thought they were hiring a business coach, but instead were working with a mindset expert. 

It starts with getting real about what you need right now. If you are short on money, you really need solid business training. If you are fine with money but overworked and exhausted, you also need the business strategy to help you build a team and move to the next level. 

But alongside this business training, perhaps you want some level of spiritual or mindset support to help you move past your fears. Or perhaps not. Either way is fine – but do get clear on what you want.

I say this now because I have so many people who approach me because they are looking for a business coach who can work on multiple levels. I teach business skills, but I also do deep healing work to clear the beliefs that keep my clients from moving forward.

I find that this combination works well to create success without brute force. 

As you learn more about your coach, try to get a sense of what combination she uses and how this aligns with what you need. 

And that’s all six of my questions for you! I hope they help you choose the right business coach for you

I know that my business coaches have made all the difference for me. I would not be the person or businesswoman I am today without them! But I also know that picking the right coach can be a process of trial and error. My intention is that this article helps you hone in on that right fit with more ease and grace. 

And should you want to chat with me about being your business coach – I would be truly honored. Please click here to shoot us an email and we’ll get you set up for a conversation. 

Here’s to you having the support you need to build a business that pays for a life you love!

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