Old Dogs, New Tricks: The Importance of Constant Learning

Old dogs need to learn new tricks. 

That’s me: an old dog.  

I’ve been doing coaching work for over 14 years now, and I still spend over $100,000 a year on my own coaches, programs, and courses for everything from my business to my relationships.  

I put aside at least four to five hours a week to work through trainings for my business. My husband Jai and I are currently doing a 13-week relationship course – every week, we spend two hours going through one lesson. And then there’s also the work I do on my health, my spirit, and so on. 

My success comes from constant learning, constant reading, constant connecting of dots, and constant implementation. 

I’m a really good student, too. I do the trainings, I do the homework, and I’m willing to be criticized (in a constructive way).

Most of my coaches now are years younger than me, and I’m thrilled at how much they are teaching me. Things that don’t come naturally for me come naturally for their generation (more on that in another newsletter). 

From the outside, success may look easy to sustain – like once you’ve made it, you’ve made it. 

But every successful person I know is constantly learning, constantly leveling up, constantly hiring the next person that is going to show them how to get more of what they want. 

So I must admit it’s surprising to me when people resist learning new things. I’m always puzzled when someone says they won’t go through a training program or they’re not open to coaching, yet they want to grow, make more money, find the love of their life, etc. 

If our current brain programming has set us up for what we have now, we have to learn a new brain programming in order to achieve something different – and that takes work.  

We live in a world that glorifies effortlessness and ease. So if you’re out there feeling like the only one who’s running laps, please know that you aren’t alone – it’s just not cool to talk about it. 

And if you want to change, but find yourself resisting just sitting down and doing the trainings, listening to your coach, and implementing the actions, here’s your wake-up call. 

That is all.  

We can all learn together as a community – jump into our FB Group!

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