The 4 C’s of Sponsorships — The Secret to Winning More Clients

Today I want to write about one of the best sales training methods out there, and a great way to increase revenue — the 4 C’s of sponsorships.

Because, my mission is to change the money conversation for women on the planet, so that we can make decisions from our hearts, and not just our bank accounts, and to do that, you need to win more clients!

Last week I wrote about the REI method of making sure you build a tribe that wants to buy from you. Just in case you missed it – it stands for resonance, education and inspiration. 

You can check out that article here.

If you are more of a visual person — go straight away to my facebook group, join if you haven’t, and watch the video!

A sponsorship is when you go to a business event or a tradeshow and purchase a table. That table can sit outside, or in a separate room, and they range anywhere from $200-$10,000 or $20,000 depending on the size of the event and the target market.

The problem that people have brought to me is that they are not getting clients from sponsorships, so you aren’t getting a return on your investment. They tell me that even though people come up to the booth and fill out forms, they aren’t converting into actual clients. Which is really unfortunate because you put a lot of money and time into a sponsorship; preparing for the event, purchasing merchandise and marketing items, perhaps paying an assistant to work the event with you, in addition to the price of the sponsorship itself.

I am here to tell you that you can get a great return on your investment from sponsorships — you just need more sales training. And the exact ways to increase your revenue.

Here is how: the 4 C’s of sponsorships. This is not comprehensive, but it is a quick guide.

The first C is Celebrity: 

You want to have a 6-foot-high banner sitting next to your table. This banner will contain a headline and the name of your business, but what really makes it a celebrity piece is a picture of you. I know, I know you might not want a big picture of you. I didn’t want that either. But let me tell you why it is an absolute must.

A long time ago I went to a sponsorship and I made this mistake. I was doing an event and on the banner we had a beautiful picture of a tree instead of a picture of me because we were talking about the money tree. What happened is that people came up to the booth and asked my assistant, “are you Monica Shah?” And then when I would meet people in the room they did not know who I was and weren’t able to connect me with my table.

The truth is that when you are paying for a table you want people to know that you are a leader in the room.

It automatically positions you as someone that people want to go and talk to. They will start to associate you with the leader that you are as a sponsor. It makes a huge difference in the effectiveness of your booth.

The second C is Collection: 

When people come over to your booth you want to collect their business cards. One of the best ways to do this is to have a raffle gift on the table. If they don’t have a business card, then have them fill out a slip with name, address, email. You can then add these people to your mailing list and begin marketing to them.

The way that you can let them know that you are adding them to a mailing list is to put on your raffle sign something like, “Enter to win an Amex gift card and get weekly tips.”

The third C in the 4 C’s of sponsorships is Conversation: 

This is actually being able to converse with someone at the booth about their problem. If you are goal setting — and say you want a certain number of clients — this is a great way to hit that goal! I have seen so many booths where the owner did not have a hook to get the people involved in talking about their business and problem.

When people come to your booth you need to find out where their business is at, where they are struggling, and how you can help them.

If you don’t get to the heart of where people are struggling then you won’t get clients from it. People first have to be aware of their problems and then how you can help them. This is a crucial step in sales and sponsorship training.

To solve this, I like to give a physical gift. A lot of people give stress balls or pens, but I don’t think that those work. They sit around people’s houses and get thrown away — not a great way to increase awareness or revenue.

You want to give a free gift that creates a connection, sparks an engaging conversation with people.

One of my clients has their own method of physical therapy and bodywork. Her free gift was a magnet with 7 points to make sure that you are standing correctly. At the booth she would go through the 7 points and help them audit how they are standing. That opened the conversation, and she even signed people up at the booth.

Another client who was a psychic and a healer created a magnet with all of the chakras on it and mantras for each. She would do a reading of their chakras as they came to the booth and then give them the magnet, and people loved it.

The fourth and final C in the 4 C’s of sponsorships is Connection: 

You want to set up conversations to talk to people after the event by setting an actual appointment right then. Have a physical piece of paper out where they can sign up for a time slot and a day and then give them a card with the date and time and connection info that they can take with them.

Sponsorships are one of the best ways to generate more sales conversations and generate more money in your business.

Follow the 4 C’s of sponsorships, and go out, makes tons of money, and change this world for the better!

Now there’s a lot of information here! And often it’s better to be able to see a video with some visuals in it — so please join the Revenue Breakthrough group to watch the video.

Oh and there’s a ton of other great videos to check out too! Don’t miss my Monday money-healing videos!

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