The Secret Behind Power and Success – Saying Yes

I get asked this question all the time, “Monica, how do I become more successful?  How do I get more people to see me as powerful?”

And the answer could literally be pages and pages long.

But I’ve come to see one thing that really stands out in those that are successful and powerful: they say “Yes” even when they are afraid and uncertain.

They say Yes to go to an event where they know no one.

They say Yes to follow up with a client who backed out of a program.

They say Yes to do a program they know they need, even if they don’t have the money.

They say Yes to filling a program with a certain number of  people, even if they have never done that before.

The key here is that the first step of making a quantum leap in your business is to move forward based on faith.  That is the true source of power.

I see so many people waiting…

Waiting until they have more money.
Waiting until they can quit their day jobs.
Waiting until their kids are older.
Waiting until they sell their houses.
Waiting for their husbands say yes.

Essentially they are waiting until they feel secure with the possible outcomes.  But here’s what’s interesting – often that feeling of security, that feeling that you did the right thing doesn’t come until you’ve taken action.

You have to say YES first and then the path will appear.

But then there’s the REALLY important second step.   Now that you have said yes, you have to do whatever it takes to create that outcome.

That is the second step of power and success – willingness.

The willingness to do whatever it takes to make your dream happen (within your own value system of course).

This willingness is what gets competitive athletes out of bed in the morning.

It is also the determination that has you work through you own fears in your business and do those tasks that you are most resistant to doing.  Those with the most willingness will be the leaders in any field.

Here are the steps:

Part One: Say Yes.

Part Two:  Be Willing To Do What It Takes.

Here’s to your success and stepping into your power!

Leave me a comment and let me know what you do to say yes and be willing…

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