What Are You Focusing On? The Secret to Success
I often read e-mails from clients asking questions like:
“What should my title be? (for the fifth time)”
“What is my tagline? (should we re-do it again?)”
“Is my free gift OK? Should I re-write it (for the third time)”
They pour over these details as they are putting their business together. And often they spend hours thinking about how to make everything perfect, using up valuable mental energy that could be used for selling, marketing or playing!
I also hear them agonizing over trying to control the people in their lives as well:
“Why doesn’t my husband understand what I do more? How come he doesn’t support my activities?”
“Why does my mom say the things she does about my business. How come she doesn’t understand?”
Again, time spent trying to control how others are reacting leads to nothing short of mental exhaustion.
Then there’s the time spent on self-criticism. Hours of mental energy drained in the process of beating themselves up:
“Why aren’t I farther along?”
“Why aren’t I more successful?”
“How did I gain all of this weight?”
Focusing on the wrong things is one of the biggest issues I see out there with entrepreneurs.
Are you doing it to yourself? Be honest 🙂 .
Are you spending time focusing on:
— details that don’t really add to the bottom line
— trying to control people’s behaviors
— beating yourself up
It’s a valuable question to ask yourself: What am I focusing on?
The more laser like your focus is on filling your programs, your events and your bank account – the more likely it will happen. The more you focus on details, emotions and other people – the less likely it will happen.
So if you find yourself stuck – ninety percent of the time it’s because you’ve been spending your valuable mental time focusing on issues that aren’t important or aren’t related to your goals.
This week, as you are doing your tasks, pay attention. What are you focusing your thoughts on? Is there room for improvement? Yes? Good, join the team.
Let me know what you are focusing on this holiday season. Post it on the blog.