Being Grateful: How To Stop Beating Yourself Up.

gratitude-1Around this time of year – there are three paths you can take.  You can be grateful for what this year brought you.  Or you can be disappointed that you aren’t further along or didn’t do more.  Or you can be some combination of the two.

Most of us are a combination of the two.

The best way to stay in a space of gratitude is to look back at your starting line.  Where were you a year ago?  It is so easy to get caught up in looking at the finish line, the next goals, where you want to be.  Or where you wanted to be. Then you determine that you aren’t there yet.

So I challenge you right now – to look at the starting line.  Where were you on December 19th, 2012?  What has transpired?  Who are you as a person now?  What have you accomplished?  What have you learned?  What lessons and occurrences in your life are you grateful for?

Be gentle on yourself and be honest.   Chances are that you’ve come a long way, baby!  Especially when you take an honest look backwards instead of always looking at what needs to get done.

I thought since you’ve been reading my newsletter all year – it might be nice to see what I’m grateful for this year.   My list is a long one.  I’m honored to share some of it with you

  1. In December 2012, my mom was in a lot of pain – but hanging in there.  Today, I’m grateful that my mom passed away in her sleep.  Gently and peacefully with no pain.
  1. In December 2012, my dad spent much of his time caring for my mom.  Today, I’m grateful that I got to spend many weeknights watching “Merlin” with my dad and dealing with our grief together.
  1. In December 2012, Revenue Breakthrough crossed $720,000. Today, I’m grateful and honored that Revenue Breakthrough crossed the seven- figure mark in October and has been growing from there.
  1. In December 2012 – a book seemed far away.  Today, I’m grateful for publishing my first book in June, “Getting Rich – You’re Doing it Backwards”.  Who knew that so many would actually read it?
  1. I’m grateful that you opened my newsletter and are reading it!  Yeah!  (and yes I was grateful for that in December 2012 as well).

Please, please, please share you own list below.  I want to see where you started and where you are today.

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