The Most Dangerous Myth
What is the most dangerous myth slowing our success? I’ve had the pleasure of coaching so many beautiful souls in my virtual Revenue Breakthrough Intensives (this is my 2-day intensive where every individual receives 1-1 coaching with me).
And the number one question I get is: “Monica what’s the one thing I need to do to have the kind of success you (or insert other name) have created?”
The most dangerous myth out there for businesses is that the concept of “overnight” success isn’t true.
At least we know it in our heads.
But in our hearts, we still long…
We long for that magic bullet strategy that will fill that group program…
The perfect course that sells hundreds at first go…
The exact launch strategy that attracts 20 new clients…
Yes, somewhere deep down inside, we know there’s not such a thing. Is it a myth?
Yet we read it in so many marketing promotions. Some version of “If you want success, just do this.” And we want to believe it.
But here’s the biggest problem:
We want so much to have that overnight success, that we start believing it’s possible. Then when it doesn’t happen we become disappointed.
And disappointment takes us out of the game.
…It’s the reason you don’t finish your sales calls, or start to watch Netflix in the middle of the day or skip doing your videos…
Disappointment is an entrepreneur’s worst enemy!
Here’s what I know to be true.
There is NO overnight success.
There is NO one strategy that will get you “there.”
But there are a few ways to help you get there faster, with more ease and grace.
- Become an octopus. Most people need between 8-12 touch points with you before they purchase. So you want to be doing multiple different kinds of marketing activities. So it’s like you’re an octopus and with each leg you are touching people in a different way — videos, newsletters, lives, speaking events. Don’t worry — you only have to grow one leg at a time! And to learn more about the octopus approach — register for one of our virtual Revenue Breakthrough Intensives (only $495 for a LIMITED time — July and August spots sold out — but September is available).
- Take risks to be visible. The way that people grow fast is by doing things outside of their comfort zone. Host a live or a virtual event. Host a telesummit or giveaway. Take a risk to be seen in a much bigger way than you are now.
- Hire a business strategy coach. From 2010 to 2013 I went from $100,000 to $1.2 M dollars in revenue. At that time, I was working with a coach who inspired me to step into BIG visibility and BIG risks. I did my first mastermind, one day events, three day events, video launches — and so much more! And it paid off. I was able to grow my business by leaps and bounds. A master business strategist who is at least 10 steps ahead of you can make all the difference.
- Plan. Plan. Plan. If you want to make your growth process easier and be able to grow by leaps and bounds, you’ve got to be planning ahead for your business and adjusting that plan. I start my clients looking ahead by at least 3 months and then as you get better you can start to plan 12 and even 24 months out. We’ll be doing a 6 month plan in the virtual Revenue Breakthrough Intensive to make sure you are set for the year.
You can’t skip steps, but you can make them smaller and easier to climb. That’s the whole point of solid business coaching and strategy. So the next time you hear that voice in your head that says, “This is the silver bullet,” take a step back, realize there’s no such thing, recognize the myth, and be patient with yourself as you become an octopus, take bigger risks, hire a coach and work your plan!
Photo: flickr, JD Hancock