Where to Find Clients
I am so excited about the workshop we are hosting on Thursday, March 17 – the Where to Find Clients Workshop. It’s only $27, and you can check it out and register right here. Now, whenever someone asks me where to get clients, one of the first things I ask.
READ MOREThe Devil Cycle: How to Deal When You Get Off Track
February is almost over, and we’re reaching the time of year when we tend to look at the resolutions we made in January and think to ourselves, Why haven’t I gotten further? Or How did I fall off the wagon? If there’s one thing I’ve learned after over 16 years of.
READ MOREThe Better Way to Get Your Marketing Done
Last week, at a business event, one of the entrepreneurs told me, “Monica, I feel like I can’t get any of my marketing done. During the week, I’m so busy doing client work, meeting with team members, and putting out fires that I never manage to get ahead of the.
READ MOREMoving Past the Stories You Tell Yourself: Why Every Entrepreneur Needs a Coach
Hey there! I’ve been really enjoying the comments I’ve been receiving about this series of articles on the world of coaching. I’m so glad that it has helped clear some things up for you! Are you still wondering why you would need a coach? I’ve been in the coaching world.
READ MOREMaking the Most of Your Coach: Part Two
Happy February! Now that the whirlwind of the New Year is officially over, I know that most of us are really digging into what we want for ourselves and our businesses this year – and that probably means getting help from others. Whether you’ve just decided you want to start.
READ MOREMaking the Most of Your Coach: Part One
It’s my 16th year of being a full-time coach! OY! That makes me old – but it also makes me wise, if I may say so! As a coach, one of the things that breaks my heart is meeting people at my events who have spent a ton of money.