Four Strategies For More Time Freedom
How do I build a business that’s not dependent on me? Where I don’t have team members constantly asking me questions, where I don’t have to show up at my best every single day, and where I can maintain irregular hours and take some time off? This is one of.
READ MOREGetting Ahead With Money Mondays
Whether you’ve got your weekly plans down to a science or find yourself racking up a backlog of tasks on your to-do list by the middle of each week – I’d like to share with you one of my favorite ways to make the whole process easier. Every single week,.
READ MOREGetting Some Relief With the One-Task Challenge
Are you ready for a challenge? With the busy fall season approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about what holds my clients back from following through on their plans. I can’t help but think of the #1 most common problem that my clients express to me: “Monica, I end each.
READ MORETwo Common Planning Mistakes
Do you know what the most common planning mistakes are? This week, I want to talk about planning in general and two that keep so many entrepreneurs from making the most of their plans. I like to say that planning is the highest form of self-care. But too often, people make.
READ MOREThe Empress Card: Great Leaders Accept Help
So many of us feel like we have to do everything – and do it by ourselves. On a call last month, my client Mona told me, “I just feel like I can’t do it all. This weekend, I’ve got my youngest child’s birthday party, my second daughter has two.