Creating a New Vision for 2020

I’m seeing a lot of beautiful changes out there amidst the chaos, even though none of this was in our entrepreneur vision. I’m watching business owners who were previously terrified to go online do their first videos or FB Lives. Tomorrow I’m doing a FB Live at 5:00 PM ET in my Facebook group where I’ll be sharing my steps to stay focused amidst the chaos. If you aren’t a member, please join

I’m watching brick and mortar companies who previously had no online presence start to sell their goods online in creative ways. 

I’m seeing entrepreneurs in my tribe who had previously procrastinated on writing their first books or re-writing their websites sit down and get it done. 

I’ve also had the pleasure of watching some of my clients who have been due for a long-needed rest, finally take one. One of my clients decided to take up watercolors for a few weeks. Another has decided to cook all her meals and focus on building healthy habits. 

I’m not saying at all that we can ignore the scariness of the Coronavirus – or the ever-increasing numbers (especially since I’m in NYC). But I have noticed that for my own nervous system – I just can’t live there. 

I have to limit the time I spend on my text messages. 

I can’t read too many articles, even though they are brilliant and enticing. 

I can’t have too many conversations that center around the crisis. 

I’m sure you are experiencing similar things. If we stay with the news too long, it makes it next to impossible to move forward. And to notice the bits of beauty around us. 

I got to the point last week where I had to sit down and really look at my original vision for 2020. Then I created a new one. I needed a new focus – something that I could look at when the fear came up. I thought I’d share this exercise with you: 

Grab a piece of paper and a pen – put a timer on for 10 minutes. 

  1. Pretend it’s December 2020. You are looking back on the months of April, May and June. 
  2. Split the paper into thirds and write the headings April, May and June on each third. 
  3. Answer these questions for each month:
    • I got A done.
    • I let go of B.
    • I accomplished C.
    • I felt D.
  4. Really let yourself go here. Be creative with what ideas come up. Perhaps there will be new products you want to put out to the market. Or new ways that you want to work with your clients. Let the answers flow. 

Now take a moment and read your answers. Maybe even use them to create a new vision board or signs that you put on your wall. Read it every morning. Keep adding to it as new ideas come up. 

May we all come out stronger from this period. So that by December 2020, we can look back and realize that we not only survived through this – we thrived. 

Speaking of thriving – it’s super hard to do alone – please join me tomorrow at 5:00 PM ET in my FB group as I speak about how to Focus amidst the Chaos. You can join my FB group here.

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