My Three Ways to Make “Fast” Cash In Your Business

We’ve all been there – that point where you need to create some instant cash flow.   Perhaps you’ve got a car issue that needs to be fixed.  Or you want to sign up for a really cool training program (ahem, hint, hint).  Or maybe you just need a little extra cash to take your kids out to the new Harry Potter Movie and a nice lunch (or yourself).  Oh and then there’s the dreaded credit card bill.

The problem is that it becomes confusing to determine the fastest way to make a little extra cash in your business.  I get this question a lot, “Monica what’s the best and most effective marketing vehicle I can use to make money the fastest in my business?”  Perhaps you are out there, scratching your head, thinking, what can I do to increase my cash flow this week?

I have three suggestions for you that you can use literally roll out tomorrow to make some “fast” cash in your business.  Put them in place quickly so that you can start to fill that wallet and create some room to concentrate on bigger and better for 2011.

1.     Do a Workshop or a Talk: In my opinion that FASTEST way to make immediate cash is to sign a new client into a program or package.  And the FASTEST way to meet a client who is ready to sign up with you is to do a workshop or talk.  You see workshops literally “pre-sell” potential clients.  They are getting a taste of what you could offer them and a feel for your personality.  It is by far the fastest way to get initial sessions with folks who are already primed to become your clients.

The trick is that you need to make sure that you spend adequate time at the end of your presentation offering and explaining your services.  For the average 60-90 minute workshop – plan to spend about 15 minutes.  This is not some sleazy sales pitch.  This is simply you really putting out there exactly what happens when clients work with you and how others can do the same.

It is your RESPONSIBILITY to let people know this information.  You wouldn’t want to leave them hanging now would you?

2. Offer a Refresh to Past Clients: Go back to your list of past clients.  Offer them a refresh option.  Perhaps they could do a one-day intensive with you or a 3-hour session (you could offer this virtually by just putting a few breaks in between).  You could call it a “refresh and renew session” or a “back to the basics plan” or a “back on track day”.   You could also offer your older clients a special price on new material you’ve learned since you worked with them.   Once a client has purchased from you once, they will be more than likely to purchase again.

3. Do a Two-For-One Offer to Friends and Family: My clients have had great success with this one.  Look in your list of friends and family.  Is there anyone there who would like to use your services but just doesn’t have the ability to pay?  Make them “ambassadors”.  Ask them to find one to four other folks that might be able to pay for the service.  Once your ambassadors bring a friend or two on board, you can charge that person a full or discounted price.  Your ambassador gets the service for free.  You’ll determine an hour that works well for all of them and begin your service or program.

If you don’t normally offer your service in groups, be creative on this one.  Think of what you could offer that you could do in a group.  If you are massage therapist, could you teach group massage?  If you are a healer, could you teach meditation?  If you are an accountant, could you teach a class on budgeting?

Follow these suggestions for fast money just in time for the holidays.  And then go ahead, buy yourself a few gifts while you do that Christmas Shopping.  Heck, you’ve earned it!

Please note, I picked the three ways that anyone could do, even if you don’t have a huge list yet or you are still building your business.  I didn’t focus on creating products and teleseminar series. But never fear, I’ll write about these in articles to come.

Oh and let me know what you think of the article, by posting a comment below.  I’ll so appreciate you for it.

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