Fear vs. Intuition: Knowing the Difference

Ever wonder if that voice in your head is the voice of intuition… or the voice of fear?

During this wild time in our world, it’s good to know the difference. We don’t have to listen to every voice in our head, especially the ones that come from fear. 

Well, here’s a quick way to differentiate between fear and intuition: the voice of intuition doesn’t bring you fear.

She doesn’t tell you to isolate yourself.

She doesn’t give you ultimatums.

She’s not negative.

In fact, the voice of intuition is often quiet. She chooses moments of stillness to speak. She offers suggestions, not threats. Most of her suggestions will be in the way of expansion, not contraction.

As for the voices of fear

These voices are triggered by our lizard brain – the part of our brain that wants to keep us in our comfort zone.

For example, I’ve noticed that one of my voices of fear often says, “You’re working too hard. You’re doing too much. This is too hard.”

But what’s interesting about this voice is that much of what she says doesn’t make any sense. She’ll tell me I’m tired right after a restorative walk in the park. She’ll tell me to stop working when I’ve just had a day off. That voice isn’t the truth – it’s just a habit.

So evaluate whether there’s truth in those voices, whether what they’re saying is something you should listen to. About 80 to 90% of the time it’s not valid. Those voices are based in fear and are trying to get you to stop expanding.

This week, I invite you to notice how the voices of fear materialize in your head. What do they say?

Notice what your voices of intuition are saying. How do they show up?

Take some time this week to stop and listen. Ask yourself – which voices am I acting from, and do I need to shift that?

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