Five Steps to Painless Social Media Posts

If you somewhat hate social media, you’re not alone. 

If you’re above a certain age, chances are you didn’t grow up using social media. The idea of sharing your personal life online may feel like a bothersome waste of time and energy. 

But we cannot deny that social media is a free method for connecting with people and building relationships – something that most of us need more of in our businesses. More connections mean more leads, more conversations, and eventually more clients.

The challenge is finding a way to consistently post on social media when we’re so incredibly busy. One of the methods I suggest for managing social media is making a batch processing plan

Let’s walk through my steps for creating your own monthly plan.

Step number one: decide your frequency – whether you’re going to post three days a week or five days a week. If you’re posting three days a week, you’ll need 12 posts per month, and if you’re posting five days a week, you’ll need 20 posts. 

Of course, you could always create more posts or plan to post seven days a week. I advised planning for three or five days a week because for most people who are just starting to get consistent on social media, that is going to be plenty.

Step number two: decide where to post. This is up to you, but I will give you some suggestions. If you’re posting on Facebook, I suggest that you start out by posting on your personal profile, because you likely have a greater following there. If you have a Facebook group, I also suggest posting there. 

Now, Facebook does have a rule against using a personal profile to post solely for business purposes. I’ve found that Facebook is pretty lenient in letting you post about your business, but you may want to make one or two of your weekly posts more personal than business-like in order to stay compliant.

If you’re posting on Instagram or TikTok because you have a bigger community there, that’s great, too. 

Step number three: create all of your posts. Take two to three hours on a Saturday or Sunday and get ‘em done.

If you’re looking for inspiration here, I invite you to come join me at my 30 days of Social Media Posts class, where I’ll be walking you through the four different types of social media posts and how to create them. 

It’s a free 90-minute masterclass, and you’ll walk out having finished all of your content for the next 30 days.

Step number four: pre-load your posts into a social media scheduler so that you won’t have to take the time to manually post them. 

Step number five: remember to vary your posts. This means varying the format of your posts – e.g. some can be videos, some can be written posts – and also varying the content

Some of your posts should be about you and what’s happening in your life as it relates to your business – think about discussing hobbies, travels, however you’re spending your free time. Some of your posts should be educational posts that share your wisdom.

The key is to maintain the balance between posts that share who you are and posts that educate. You want your audience to see the whole you, and that will help them to fall in love with you and eventually decide if they want to work with you. 

Now, doing this by yourself can be overwhelming – not to mention the fact that finding the time to sit down and write this all out can feel like such a chore. 

This is why I’ve created my masterclass: to give us the chance to write 30 days of social media posts together in community. I’m going to be teaching you the four different kinds of posts and the structure of each post.

I want to invite you to join me. Just register here and let’s get those social media posts done. 

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