High Performance

As women entrepreneurs we are asked to perform at incredibly high levels of productivity and focus. As we increase our success, there are more and more people depending on us for that degree of focus and productivity. It took me a while to learn this in my business.

I’ve had chronic sinus issues for years. When my sinuses start to bother me, my nose gets super stuffed up and I get headaches. This situation seems to flare up when I’m under high stress and pressure for an event or a launch. Usually during these times I try to avoid dairy, sugar, and gluten to make sure my sinuses remain happy. But it’s never been easy for me to stay on this diet plan for long periods of time.

It was April and we had just finished a week of events in Atlanta. I had been following a “good diet” for about four weeks before and during the event – avoiding sugar, gluten and dairy. I noticed how unusually happy I was and how much fun I was having connecting with one of my employees, Jennie, who coordinated our events. We were laughing, joking and enjoying the success of the events. When we got to the airport that night – I decided I could eat whatever I wanted and indulged in a plate of pot stickers.

Well – about 60 minutes later, I was so stuffed up I could barely breathe. My head was pounding and I was sneezing about every 10 minutes. I got off the plane and Jennie was her happy self – laughing and telling me about the shows she had watched on the plane (we didn’t sit together). I, on the other hand, could hardly hear her – I was struggling to focus only on the necessary things – like getting our suitcases off the carousel and getting home.

Within about 10 minutes I noticed the energy shift in Jennie. She got quiet, too, and put her headphones on to listen to her music. Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks – me taking care of my health wasn’t just about me! It affected her. It affected the business as a whole. All the times that I had fallen off the wagon of my diet flashed through my mind. I realized how much it must have affected my family, my friends and my business.

In that moment – I got clear about the price of not taking care of my health. The toll that it was taking on everyone I loved and my business. It became clear that my reason for taking care of my sinuses was so much more than sticking to a diet. It was a pathway to help me hit my personal success goals. To have more energy for the people and tasks that were super important. To have clear focus and attention. It was the foundation for everything else that I really wanted in my business.

So the next time you decide to cheat yourself out of sleep. Or eat that food that causes you to get anxious. Or ignore that health plan you are trying to follow. Remember this – the root of high performance in your business is your health. Just think of the success that you can have when you honor your health consistently…and remember it’s not just about you!

What do you need to shift to perform at your highest levels in your business? What habits and behaviors do you need to add or take away to support you in your goal setting and goal achievement?

Photo: flickr, Bryan Carnathan

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