How to Feel Satisfied with Your To-Do List

We women entrepreneurs tend to make things very complicated sometimes (OK, more than sometimes for some of us). We get into the habit of beating ourselves up. We’re supercritical when things don’t work out. And we rarely, if ever, feel satisfied with our to-do lists.

Here’s the important thing – not everything on our to-do lists have equal weight! Have you ever noticed that doing just one thing that you were really avoiding can light up your whole day? Like when you finally get yourself to pick up the phone and follow up with a lead – even if she doesn’t answer – it feels like a win?

That’s because at the end of the day, it’s much easier to strive for feeling a certain way – instead of just focusing on getting things off of our to-do lists.

I mean, what’s the point of crossing things off our to-do lists, if you know that you are still going to feel really guilty about the things that you procrastinated on?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to feel happy, satisfied and proud of yourself at the end of your day – no matter how many items you got checked off?

So let’s do that. The question below is one that I and my clients use frequently to short-cut to decent time management. It sets me up for success and keeps everything in perspective. Enjoy it.

You might just like it so much that you start using it every single week!

What three things do I need to do before next Sunday to guarantee this week will feel like a win?

Photo: flickr, Amanda Hawkins

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