Learn From the FireMan – Be Clear about What You Offer.

I’m enjoying some time in Jamaica on the beach, and well, I just can’t seem to turn my business mind off.  There are so many entrepreneurs walking the beach here, selling everything from jewelry to steel drum songs.

Yesterday, we enjoyed fresh lobster from the “FireMan”.  The FireMan walks up and down the beach and peddles fresh lobster and conch, cooked on his fire at the beach.  We bought a fresh lobster. In 20 minutes we were enjoying cooked lobster complete with garlic butter and a few pieces of garlic bread.  Delicious!

Today I noticed him walking up and down the beach again, but there weren’t many takers.  I got up and began telling the other couples we had met about the lobster and it wasn’t long before people were calling after the FireMan for their own fresh lobster.

The Fireman’s mistake?  No one knew what he was selling!  He needed a picture of cooked lobster or a sign that clearly asked people if they wanted freshly cooked lobster.

I see entrepreneurs making this mistake all the time.  They go to events and when asked what they do, they say things like “I’m a healer” or “I’m a coach” or “I do bodywork”.  Yes, if you are standing in front of someone who already knows your industry that could work.  But most people don’t really understand what those things are.

Most importantly, they don’t understand how those things are going to benefit them enough to pull out their credits cards and spend money on those services.

That’s when the reaction of “Oh that’s nice” or “Oh, how interesting” comes up.  But those reactions rarely if ever lead to a new client.

You’ve got to talk benefits!  I know you’ve read and learned this a thousand times in a thousand newsletters, but it merits repeating.

You don’t just do bodywork.  You help athletes recover from sports injuries.  You help busy professionals work longer without pain.  You help busy moms get less stressed so that they can be with their children without getting impatient.

You don’t just do Reiki.  You reduce pain without medications.  You help someone connect with their guides so that they can make a big decision faster.  You help single women find peace around waiting for their perfect partners to appear.

You aren’t just a coach!  You help women find careers that they love.  You help moms lose their baby weight.  You help entrepreneurs fill their businesses with amazing clients.

You sell results.  And it is important that you speak about those results clearly and openly.  It is your responsibility to put your gift into the world in a way that people clearly understand.

I learned about the FireMan from someone else telling me about him, and it was one of my favorite experiences of my trip.  How sad would it have been if I had missed him?

Don’t let people miss out on you.

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