Monica’s Top Five Ways to Give it a REST

I just got off the phone with a client who said, “It always seems like we should be doing less in December, but then we are always doing more!”

I couldn’t agree more. It’s difficult to figure how to rest as an entrepreneur.

If you are in the midst of a mad rush for the end of the year — you aren’t alone. With December being two weeks shorter — it leaves most of us scrambling to fit our normal schedule into 3 VERY busy weeks. And if you add in house guests and Christmas parties — it’s a lot.

So I thought I’d give you some of my favorite suggestions for taking a break during the ultra busy holiday season. This article is short and sweet — but hopefully it will hit just the right spot.

Monica’s Top Five Ways to Give it a REST

  1. Yoga Nidra — this is an amazing form of guided meditation that you do while you are lying down. It is so relaxing. They say it’s worth 3 hours of sleep. I’ll take it! You can find Yoga Nidra videos on Youtube and on the Gaia channel app.
  2. A Warm Salt Water Bath — Did you know that salt water relieves negativity? Yup. That’s why oceans are so awesome. Put a cup or two of salt in the tub and sit for at least 10 minutes. Not only does it feel amazing, it takes down your adrenaline spike. So you’ll sleep so much better. I take baths in the evenings of my events to make sure I can actually calm down and get some sleep.
  3. Lavender oil on the bottom of your feet. Use high quality essential lavender oil to give yourself a foot rub, being sure to rub some on the bottom of your feet. Smells amazing and will calm you right down.
  4. Legs up a wall. Now I know that this one isn’t new! But honestly when is the last time you’ve done it? When I’m super worn out, but still have a long way to go, I like to lie on the floor and put my legs up against a wall or on a chair for 10 minutes and close my eyes. You won’t believe how much better you’ll feel in 10 minutes.
  5. Five 6-count breaths. Breathe in for two counts. Breathe out for four counts. Repeat 10 times. I know this sounds simple, but again — how often do we do it? The key is to do this one in the middle of a stressful situation so that you can avoid being triggered.

I know that many of you probably have done one or more of these suggestions — and my hope is that this is a good reminder to take care of yourself this season. You have permission to stop. To give to yourself. And to know that soon enough we’ll all be enjoying our days off during the Holiday and New Year Season. Hang in there my friends! I send you so much love!

Have tips to share with us on how you like to rest?  Comment below or head on over to our Facebook Group and let us know.  We love to support each other!

Photo: flickr, anna barbi

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