My #1 Tip to Calm Your Nerves

Are you experiencing fear when it comes to your business? The number one question I get asked when it comes to videos and Lives is — how do I manage my nervousness?

There’s so much I could share about the fear when it comes to showing up on virtual or live stages, videos and Lives. Because I’ve lived through all of it! I used to have to go to my hotel room and do 30 minutes of tapping even when I went to a mic at a large event.


But for the sake of time — I’ve shot a quick ONE minute video to give you my most useful tip for eliminating fear immediately.

This one is a goodie!

It’s in my Revenue Breakthrough FB group, so you will need to join the group to get access to it.

Check it out there.

And just in case you haven’t registered yet — don’t miss out on my upcoming masterclasses:

How to Get Noticed Online

3 Steps to Inspire Participants to Say, “I Want to Work with HER!” (and stop over-perfecting and hyper-criticizing yourself)


Here’s what a few people said about these masterclasses this week:

“I learned so much today. A few things that really resonated with me: I create the energy and others will follow.”

“Great modeling how you handle tech challenges authentically”

“This training is great. thanks”

“great stuff – appreciate you and your expertise”

“I’m so excited! I love working with you Monica. Always leave feeling expansive”

“I’ve been out of work since May and taken so many free online courses, and some paid. Next to Dean Grasiosi and Tony Robbins…Monica’s was the best one yet!!!”

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